New mantis species discovered with the help of citizen scientists

New mantis species discovered with the help of citizen scientists

James⁣ Cook University researcher Matthew Connors has made an‌ exciting⁤ discovery with‌ the assistance of citizen scientists. He has identified two new‍ praying mantis species, and the findings ⁣have ‍been published in Zootaxa.

One of these⁤ mantises is not just‍ a⁢ new ‌species but an entirely new​ genus. This classification level is above ​species and was found thanks‍ to citizen ‍scientist Glenda Walter.

“We ‌have named the new species Inimia nat—I. nat for short—as it was discovered through the citizen science ⁢platform iNaturalist—also known ⁣as iNat,”‍ explained Connors.

He further⁤ added, “It’s a tribute ‍to a new ⁣way ⁣of ‌conducting natural science. With a larger number of people able to survey a wider range⁤ of both time ‌and space, citizen scientists can‍ provide‌ a wealth of data⁤ that would otherwise be unattainable.”

Connors also mentioned that if someone were to go outside and find three⁤ different​ insects, there is⁤ a ​high ⁢probability that at least one‌ of them⁣ would be a ⁣new species.

2023-12-01 11:41:03
Source ‌from

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