New Geothermal Technology Achieves 3.5 Megawatts of Emission-Free Power

New Geothermal Technology Achieves 3.5 Megawatts of Emission-Free Power

Fervo Energy⁣ claims‌ to​ have⁣ made ‌a significant advancement in geothermal ⁤technology. After‍ conducting a ​30-day well test at its ⁤facility⁣ in‍ northern ⁣Nevada, the⁢ company reports achieving a ​”flowrate of 63‍ liters per second at ⁤high ⁤temperature that enables 3.5 ⁢megawatts of electric production.” Fervo Energy states that‌ this test set new ‍records for flow ⁤and power⁢ output⁢ in ⁢an‌ enhanced⁤ geothermal system (EGS) and was completed without any issues.

A single megawatt has the capacity ‍to power approximately 750 homes ⁣simultaneously. ⁣Fervo ⁣Energy ⁤plans ​to connect its‌ Project Red site to ‌the grid later this ‍year, with the‍ intention​ of ⁣supplying power to Google data centers and other ‌infrastructure​ in‍ Nevada. In⁣ 2021, ⁣Google⁣ and Fervo Energy entered into an agreement‍ to⁢ develop a ⁣”next-generation⁤ geothermal ‌power⁣ project.”

Bloomberg reports ‍that this‌ is the ⁢first ⁣time an⁤ energy⁣ company ‍has successfully demonstrated ‌the viability of a ⁤commercial-scale EGS. ​Scientists have ⁤been working towards making EGS ⁢a reality ⁣since​ the‌ 1970s, making this achievement⁤ a ‍significant milestone.

For‌ a natural…

2023-07-18 16:00:32
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