New Discovery: Planet Found Orbiting Nearest Star to Our Sun

New Discovery: Planet Found Orbiting Nearest Star to Our Sun

Witness the groundbreaking discovery of an exoplanet⁣ orbiting Barnard’s⁢ star,⁢ our sun’s nearest⁢ neighbor, captured using the European Southern Observatory’s ⁢Very‍ Large ⁢Telescope (ESO’s VLT). This‍ newfound exoplanet boasts a ‍mass comparable to half that of Venus⁣ and completes an orbit in just ​over three Earth⁣ days.

The ‌team behind this remarkable find also hints at ⁢potential additional exoplanets encircling‍ Barnard’s star in varying orbits. Situated merely six​ light-years away from ⁢us, Barnard’s star stands as one of‌ the closest stellar systems known.

This latest revelation marks a​ significant ⁣milestone in astronomical research after years of meticulous observations ‍conducted with ESO’s VLT based at‍ Paranal Observatory in Chile. The lead author Jonay González Hernández expresses unwavering confidence ‍throughout​ their ‌pursuit for celestial discoveries.

Barnard b, as christened by researchers, orbits its host star at a distance twenty times closer than Mercury‌ does to our​ sun and endures scorching surface temperatures around 125 °C due ‌to its⁢ proximity.

Despite being one of the ​lightest known exoplanets and smaller than Earth itself, Barnard b resides too close ⁣to its parent star for⁢ habitable conditions—rendering liquid water unsustainable on its surface due to⁢ extreme⁤ heat levels.

2024-10-01 ⁤07:15:03
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