Captivating Images of the Radiant September Supermoon Illuminating the Night Sky

Captivating Images of the Radiant September Supermoon Illuminating the Night Sky

detail photograph

Experience the Enchantment of the Glowing September Supermoon – Captured in Stunning Images

The September supermoon, also referred to as the Harvest Moon, graced the night sky on September 9, 2014. This celestial event occurs when the full moon aligns with its closest point to Earth, creating a mesmerizing display of brightness and size. Below are captivating photographs showcasing the beauty of the luminous September supermoon:

1. Supermoon Rising

2. Supermoon in the City

3. Supermoon Reflection

4. Supermoon Over the Ocean


Witnessing‌the‌September‌supermoonn is an awe-inspiring experience as it‌brightens up‌the night sky and casts a magical glow over everything it touches . Whether you managed to capture its beauty through a lens or simply marveled at its magnificence , this supermoonn is truly a sight to remember . p >
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