New Dinosaurs Exclusive to Europe Join the Dinosaur Family of the “Waste Basket”

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What are some prominent ‍dinosaur species that belong to⁤ the “Waste Basket” dinosaur family‌ in Europe?


A recent discovery in Europe​ has revealed new dinosaur species ​belonging to the “Waste Basket” dinosaur family. These remarkable ⁢findings have⁢ caused quite a stir in the scientific community, as⁣ they shed light on the previously unknown diversity of dinosaurs in Europe.

New Dinosaur Species

The newly unearthed dinosaur species are unique⁣ to ⁢Europe, adding to the growing list of dinosaur families found on this continent. ⁢This find suggests that Europe was a hotbed of dinosaur ⁣activity during the prehistoric⁤ era.

Impact on Paleontology

This discovery carries significant implications for the field of paleontology. It ⁣challenges ⁢previous notions that North and⁢ South America were⁤ the primary‍ centers of dinosaur ​evolution, emphasizing‌ the importance of Europe in‍ understanding dinosaur biodiversity.

List of ⁣New Dinosaur Species in Europe

  • Europasaurus holgeri: This smaller dinosaur species is believed to have been​ about 4⁢ meters long. ‍Its remains‌ were found in Germany.
  • Hypsilophodon foxii: This ⁤slender, agile dinosaur was approximately 2 meters long and is known ⁢to have lived⁤ in England.
  • Lapparentosaurus madagascariensis: Discovered ⁣in France, this dinosaur displayed unique adaptations making it well-suited ⁤for its‌ environment.
  • Russellosaurus coopersensis: Found in England, this dinosaur ‌is notable for its long, slender tail and ​neck.


The unearthing of‌ new dinosaur species ‌unique to Europe is a groundbreaking achievement. These findings unravel Europe’s rich paleontological history and expand our ⁣knowledge⁣ of dinosaur diversity worldwide. Researchers ‍will continue to explore this continent in search of more clues, providing insights into the ancient world and ⁢how dinosaurs flourished ⁣in different regions.

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