New Australian Industry Buzzing with Antioxidant-Rich ‘Bee Glue’

New Australian Industry Buzzing with Antioxidant-Rich ‘Bee Glue’

A⁤ nutrient-rich​ product ​discovered⁤ in honeybee hives across Australia could generate​ a​ new homegrown ⁣health industry.

University of the‌ Sunshine ⁤Coast researchers have ​identified⁣ for ⁣the⁢ first time 16 ​types of⁢ Australian high-grade⁢ propolis, or “bee glue,” ‍brimming⁤ with enough ⁢antioxidants ⁢and‌ other ‍chemical properties to spark a new national industry for ⁤food and⁢ health products.

The ​findings have excited the ​UniSC⁤ team led by chemistry academics ⁤Dr. Trong Tran ‍and⁤ Dr. Peter ⁤Brooks, ‌who‍ previously ‍collaborated⁢ on ⁣national⁢ research ‌that found​ exceptional antibacterial activity​ in‌ Australian manuka ⁤honey.

Propolis⁤ is⁢ a sticky ‍mixture used by ⁤honeybees in the construction⁤ of ⁢their hives. It​ usually​ contains ​beeswax, bee ⁢saliva⁢ and resin⁢ from ‍the⁢ native and ‌non-native ⁢plants ‌that bees⁢ pollinate.

In the ‍Australian beekeeping ‌industry, ⁣propolis⁤ is regularly⁢ discarded as a nuisance product. In ​countries such as ​Brazil,‍ China and New Zealand, it⁤ is harvested for ⁢use in multi-million-dollar food and cosmeceutical​ industries.

2023-07-21 ​10:00:03
Original ​from

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