NATO Warns Russia of High Price for Aggression Against Ukraine

NATO Warns Russia of High Price for Aggression Against Ukraine

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NATO Warns Russia of High Price for Aggression Against Ukraine

Jens Stoltenberg, NATO’s secretary common, stated Western allies would maintain a sequence of conferences with Russian diplomats this week amid Russian army threats in japanese Ukraine.

“Any further aggression against Ukraine would come at a high political and economic price. NATO allies are united in their support for all nations to choose, to choose their own path. I don’t think we can expect that these meetings will solve all the issues. What we are hoping for is that we can agree on a way forward, that we can agree on a series of meetings, that we can agree on a process. So it’s not realistic to expect that when we have finished this week, when we have finished the meetings that are already scheduled, that the problems will be solved. But I really hope that there is a real will on both sides, including on the Russian side, it is on the NATO side, to engage in the process that can prevent a new armed conflict in Europe. And therefore, we are aiming for an agreement on a way forward, a process, a series of meetings.” “We should all realize that Russia’s demands to allies could not be considered as a negotiating position. Aggressor is not in a position to put conditions until the Russian tanks is out of Ukrainian border. We see as Russia attempts to shift the discussion by threatening with the new war without moving any step forward — peaceful settlement within Minsk and Normandy formats. What Russia is doing is trying to impose its agenda instead of returning to the negotiation table. So once again, my discussions on the security guarantees should start with the withdrawal of Russian troops from the Ukrainian territory.”

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