National Emergency Alert Test Scheduled for October 4th at 2:20PM ET – Prepare for Your Phone to Sound

National Emergency Alert Test Scheduled for October 4th at 2:20PM ET – Prepare for Your Phone to Sound

The federal government will conduct⁢ a nationwide alert test on Wednesday, October 4. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) will send notifications to cell phones (as well as radios ‍and TVs) to test the National Wireless Emergency Alert ⁢System ‌and ensure the system (including the public’s familiarity with it) is ready for a real crisis.

The cellphone portion of the test will assess Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEAs) nationwide. If you live near a decent-sized metro area, there’s a solid chance you’ve received AMBER alerts through this system before; it can also broadcast signals for imminent threats, public safety ⁣and presidential notices in a national emergency.‌ The test’s WEA portion will use FEMA’s Integrated‍ Public ‌Alert⁢ and Warning System (IPAWS), a centralized internet-based system that can broadcast emergency notifications through various communications networks.

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2023-09-29 13:43:22
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