NASA prepares for the thrilling return of asteroid sample to Earth

NASA prepares for the thrilling return of asteroid sample to Earth

The‍ climactic end of a seven-year voyage comes ⁢Sunday ⁢when a NASA capsule is due​ to land in‍ the Utah desert, carrying to Earth the largest ⁤asteroid samples ever collected.

Scientists‍ have high hopes for the ⁤sample, saying it will⁣ provide a better understanding of the formation of our solar system and ⁢how Earth became habitable.

The Osiris-Rex probe’s final, fiery descent through Earth’s atmosphere will be perilous,‍ but the US space agency is hoping for a soft landing, around⁢ 9:00am ‌local (15H00 GMT), in a ⁣military test range in northwestern Utah.

Four years‍ after⁤ its 2016 launch, the probe landed on the asteroid Bennu and collected roughly ‍nine ounces ‌(250 grams) of ⁤dust from its rocky surface.

Even that small amount, NASA says, should “help us better understand⁢ the types of⁤ asteroids that could threaten Earth”‌ and cast light​ “on the earliest history of our solar system,” NASA Administrator Bill Nelson said.

2023-09-25 03:00:05
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