Nanogel Carrier Successfully Delivers Liver-Targeting Drug, Reverses Obesity, and Reduces Cholesterol Levels in Mice

Nanogel Carrier Successfully Delivers Liver-Targeting Drug, Reverses Obesity, and Reduces Cholesterol Levels in Mice

A University of Massachusetts Amherst biomedical ⁣engineer has used a nanogel-based carrier⁢ designed in his lab to deliver a drug exclusively to the liver ⁤of obese mice, effectively reversing their⁤ diet-induced disease.

“The treated mice completely lost their gained weight, and we did not see any untoward ⁢side effects,” says S. Thai Thayumanavan, distinguished professor of chemistry and biomedical engineering. ⁢”Considering 100 million Americans have obesity and related cardiometabolic disorders, we became pretty excited about this work.”

Efforts to translate these findings to humans are being pursued by a start-up‍ company Cyta Therapeutics, which was founded at the⁢ UMass ⁢Institute⁤ for Applied Life Sciences (IALS) based on the nanogel technologies from the Thayumanavan ​lab. In late July, Cyta Therapeutics‍ won the Judges’ Choice Best‍ Startup ‍at the ⁤16th annual Massachusetts Life Sciences Innovation ‌(MALSI) Day in Boston.

“There is a significant amount of development work to be conducted between mice and humans,” Thayumanavan says, “but ⁤we are hoping it‍ will eventually become a drug.”

Senior author Thayumanavan, director of the⁢ Center for Bioactive⁢ Delivery⁢ at IALS, explains his team’s findings in​ a ‍paper published Tuesday, Aug. ⁣29, ⁤in‍ the PNAS Nexus. Ruiling Wu, doing research for her Ph.D. in chemistry in Thayumanavan’s lab and at the⁣ Center for Bioactive Delivery, is the paper’s ⁣lead author. Wu recently graduated and now works for a pharmaceutical company in Boston.

2023-08-29 19:24:02
Post from rnrn

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