More survivors rescued from rubble as Japan earthquake death toll surpasses 100

More survivors rescued from rubble as Japan earthquake death toll surpasses 100

The death toll from a major earthquake in ⁣western Japan reached 100 on Saturday as rescue⁣ workers fought aftershocks to carefully‍ pull people from the rubble.

Deaths had ​reached 98 earlier in the day, but two more were reported in Anamizu, while officials in Ishikawa prefecture – the hardest-hit region – held their daily meeting to discuss⁤ strategy and damages.

Some ⁤survivors who⁢ had clung to life for days were freed from collapsed homes. ‍A man was pulled out 72 ⁢hours after the⁢ series of powerful quakes hit Japan’s western ⁢coast.

The number of missing was lowered to 211⁣ as of Saturday,⁣ after it shot up two days ago.

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Ishikawa‍ officials said 59 of those ⁤who died⁤ were in the⁣ city of ‌Wajima ​and 23 were in‍ Suzu, while the others were reported‍ in five neighbouring towns. More than 500 people have been injured, at least 27 seriously.

The Earthquake ​Research Institute at the ‍University of Tokyo found that the ⁣sandy coastline in western Japan ⁢shifted by up to 250 metres (820 feet) seaward in some places.

The⁢ earthquakes set off a large fire in the ⁣town of Wajima, as well as tsunamis and landslides in the⁤ region. With ⁤some routes cut off by the destruction, worries grew about communities in which water, food, blankets and medicine had yet to arrive.

The US announced $100,000⁣ in aid on Friday, ‌including blankets, water and medical supplies, and promised more help would come. Dodgers​ baseball player Shohei Ohtani also ⁣announced aid for the Noto area, though ⁢he did not disclose the amount.

Members of Japan’s self-defence forces in‌ Wajima, Ishikawa​ prefecture, prepare aid ‍supplies to ‌be taken​ to isolated villages ‌after the earthquake. Photograph: Kim ‍Kyung-Hoon/Reuters

Thousands of Japanese troops have joined the effort to reach the hardest-hit spots on the Noto ⁤Peninsula, the centre of the quake, connected by a narrow land strip to the rest of the main ‍island of Honshu.

Experts warned of disease and even death‌ at the evacuation centres that now house about 34,000 people who ‌lost their homes, ⁤many of them older.

Masashi Tomari, a ‌67-year-old oyster farmer⁢ who lives in ​Anamizu city⁢ in Ishikawa, said‌ it was tough sleeping on the floor with just one ⁢blanket. There was no ⁢heating until two stoves finally arrived on Thursday.

“This is a terrible, cold⁤ place,” he said.

00:00:44Japan earthquake: footage shows residents ⁣escaping Wajima landslide –‌ video

Tomari felt at a loss thinking about his ⁢home, where broken glass and knocked over items littered the floor. It was pitch dark⁣ at night because the area was ⁣still out of power.

But Tomari⁢ and others were already thinking about rebuilding. Sachiko ⁣Kato, who owns a clothing‌ shop in Anamizu,‌ put up a yellow notice as a warning ‍inside her store,⁢ where the walls have tipped slanted, and a⁢ red one for the shed in ⁤the back that was completely flattened.

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2024-01-05 23:23:21
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