Monkey Receives Kidney Transplant from Pig, Thrives for 2 Years

Monkey Receives Kidney Transplant from Pig, Thrives for 2 Years

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‌ How did a monkey receive a⁢ kidney transplant from a pig, and what implications does⁤ this have for organ transplantation in humans with PAA


In a groundbreaking and extraordinary medical⁤ procedure, a monkey underwent‍ a kidney transplant using a kidney donated by a ​pig.​ The surprising outcome was that the monkey survived with the new kidney ‌for an impressive ‍span of two years.

The Unconventional Procedure

This unprecedented operation, known as xenotransplantation, involved surgically removing a⁣ kidney from⁢ a pig and implanting it ⁢into the monkey’s⁣ body. Xenotransplantation refers to the transplantation of organs or⁣ tissues between different species. Although the procedure had been‌ attempted in the past, these ‌earlier attempts were either⁢ unsuccessful or led to the immediate rejection of the transplanted organ.

Successful Outcome

However, this particular case brought a ray of hope‍ to researchers and medical professionals. The monkey was able to accept and live with the pig kidney for a remarkable two-year period.⁤ This extended survival time showcased the potential of using⁢ animal‍ organs to meet human organ transplant needs.

Implications ⁢in Organ Transplantation

The success of this experimental procedure has opened new doors and ignited optimism in the field of organ transplantation. Despite the viability of⁤ the ​monkey living with⁢ the pig ‌kidney for two years,⁤ there are⁣ still significant‌ obstacles ⁢to overcome before xenotransplantation becomes a widespread practice. The risk of organ rejection ⁤and the transmission of diseases from animals to humans are ⁢among the ⁢major concerns that need to be⁣ thoroughly addressed.

Medical Advancements

This incredible achievement nonetheless highlights ⁤the remarkable strides being ‌made ‌in the field of medical science. The ability to transplant organs across species boundaries has the potential to ‍revolutionize organ transplantation and address the chronic shortage of human organs​ available ‌for transplantation.


The success of the⁤ monkey’s survival with a pig kidney for two years signifies a significant breakthrough in the field of xenotransplantation. While there are still hurdles to overcome, this remarkable case⁣ opens up⁣ new possibilities ⁢for potentially saving countless lives through ​cross-species transplantation. It is a testament to⁣ the relentless ‌pursuit of ⁤innovation and the ‍constantly evolving world of medical science.


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