Massive and Compact Quiescent Galaxy Unveiled by JWST

Massive and Compact Quiescent Galaxy Unveiled by JWST

Astronomers have reported ‍the discovery‍ of a⁢ new galaxy ⁤using ‍the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) as part of the JWST COSMOS-Web survey. The newfound object, designated JWST-ER1 is⁢ a massive and compact‍ quiescent galaxy. The findings⁣ were⁤ detailed in a paper published September 14 on the pre-print ⁣server arXiv.

Massive galaxies ⁣that stopped ⁣forming stars (known as massive quiescent galaxies) ​are plausible progenitors of‌ giant​ elliptical galaxies.⁣ Given that these objects formed stars earlier and assembled their stellar ⁣masses more quickly, they‌ could be key to ‍improving ‌our understanding of​ the process of galaxy evolution.

Now, a team of astronomers led by Pieter van Dokkum ​of Yale University reports the detection of a ‌new⁤ galaxy of this type, which‌ received designation JWST-ER1. ‌The‌ object was identified with ⁢JWST’s Near Infrared Camera (NIRCam)⁢ as part of the ​ongoing wide and deep survey of up to 1 ​million galaxies—known as COSMOS-Web. One of the most remarkable⁢ features of​ JWST-ER1 is the so-called Einstein ring—a phenomenon in which the light appears as a ring due to gravitational lensing.

“The galaxy and its ring were identified in JWST NIRCam observations in the context of the COSMOS-Web project, a public‍ wide-area survey using the ⁣F115W, F150W, F277W, and F444W​ filters,” the researchers explained.

NIRCam observations show that JWST-ER1 consists of a compact early-type‌ galaxy ‌(JWST-ER1g) and a complete Einstein ring (JWST-ER1r) with two conspicuous red concentrations. The diameter of the center of the ring was‍ measured to ⁢be approximately⁤ 1.54 arcseconds.

2023-09-26 ‍11:24:02
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