Major Cabinet Reshuffle Revealed by Jacinta Allan in Live Australian News; South Australian Woman Hospitalized After Shark Attack

Major Cabinet Reshuffle Revealed by Jacinta Allan in Live Australian News; South Australian Woman Hospitalized After Shark Attack

From 1h agoKey events1h agoJacinta ⁤Allan ‍reveals major⁢ cabinet reshuffle2h agoAllan reveals new ministry3h⁤ agoWoman suffers shark⁤ bite at Beachport, SA3h ⁤agoFire​ bans across four states4h agoAustralia’s sole Liberal government ‘becoming more unstable’, Tasmanian independent says4h agoGood ‍morningFilters BETAKey events (6)Jacinta Allan (9)Australia (7)Victoria (7)South Australia (4)New South Wales (4)4m ⁣ago20.44 EDT

Opposition leader John Pesutto has also unveiled his shadow cabinet​ this morning. Key‍ changes include Jess Wilson in education ‌and the return of Matthew Guy to the front bench

— ​Benita⁣ Kolovos (@benitakolovos) ‍October 2, 2023
11m ago20.37 EDTNino Bucci

Elias Visontay is taking the wheel. Thanks for joining me this morning.

Updated at 20.38 EDT12m ago20.35 EDTBenita Kolovos

Allan foreshadows ‘really difficult season’ of storms and fire risk

What’s Gabrielle Williams’ new portfolio of ⁢“active transport” all about? ​The Victorian premier, Jacinta Allan, says it is a “signal that we want⁤ a⁢ focus on those last mile connections that make it easy to get the kids to‌ school, make it easier to get ‍to work and safer” and that new housing ​estates need better transport connections:

We’ve⁢ got to make sure that we ​can have⁢ those local connections, to make sure it’s easier to get around local communities. ‍It’s safer. It’s also brings with it strong environmental outcomes. It’s good for your health and wellbeing. ‌There’s many benefits to having a focus⁤ on active transport and that’s what I’ve ‌asked minister Williams to do.

Allan also⁤ says she’ll be receiving a briefing on the state’s bushfires this afternoon:

I was talking with the Emergency Services Commissioner this morning ‍about the fire activity​ in Gippsland and I also want to note‍ we’ve got a total fire ban in the Mallee today too. Both ends of​ the state, we’re seeing some really challenging weather … and‌ the forecast for this week also⁢ has ​some extreme storm events as ⁣well.‍ So it does speak to a really difficult season we are coming into, but as someone ⁣who lives in a very high fire risk area, you ​always have to be prepared … it’s‍ a timely reminder, get ready for what has been predicted to be⁤ a hot summer.

Updated at 20.40 EDT15m ago20.33 EDTBenita Kolovos

Huge Victoria housing commitment means portfolio must be split: Allan

More ⁢on the cabinet reshuffle announced by Victoria’s new premier, Jacinta Allan.

Allan says the treasurer, Tim Pallas, will also be⁢ given the portfolio of “economic growth”:

Whether it’s working with overseas investors, looking at how we can work particularly across the innovation space, the‌ already world-leading research and⁣ work that’s being done here in Victoria, how can we can⁤ stimulate that,​ support it and continue to drive new jobs in those ⁤new parts​ of the economy.

Ben Carroll, the deputy premier, ⁣says he’s excited to⁤ take on the education portfolio:

I’m already rolling…

2023-10-01 19:33:09
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