Mac admins may benefit from DFU boost in macOS Sonoma beta

Mac admins may benefit from DFU boost in macOS Sonoma beta

A fresh change tucked away in the​ most recent macOS Sonoma beta could be a boon to ⁢Mac IT admins, as it should make it ⁢a little‌ easier ⁣to ‌get bricked Macs out‍ of Device Firmware Update⁢ (DFU) mode.

Macs can get stuck‍ in DFU mode⁣ for a⁢ handful of reasons, including when power fails⁣ during a software update installation. The problem‍ is ⁢that once a Mac ⁢is⁣ stuck in that mode, ​it’s necessary to use a second ‌Mac and Apple Configurator to ⁤get the⁢ machines ⁣going again.

In Sonoma, ⁤this‍ is less of​ an issue because‍ the⁢ relevant Configurator tools are now built into the Finder‍ (though you will still need a second Mac to run the software).

USB-C cable still required

The good news is that connecting a second Mac‌ to the bricked​ machine will no longer require⁣ you to download and install​ Configurator; you’ll only need ⁢a ‌USB-C cable. Pop the cable into ​the‍ rescue Mac and shut down the⁣ Mac ‌you hope to bring back, then connect the cable to that ‍second⁣ machine and follow the specific DFU instructions for your Mac, as detailed within this extensive Apple Support post.

As explained, ⁣while you must at ‍the⁤ moment install Configurator to carry out‍ the process, the latest beta changed ‍that. A Twitter ⁣post reveals the change, citing a discovered Apple‌ dialog note‌ that states: ​“If ‍you are experiencing problems with this Mac, ​you ‌can attempt to ⁢revive it while preserving your ⁢media and ⁤other data by clicking Review Mac.”

If the process fails,⁣ then ‍you’ll have⁢ no choice ‌but ⁤to restore it‍ to factory settings ‍by clicking Restore Mac, which is why you should always backup your data.

Revive​ or⁤ Restore?

The difference between the two ⁢remedies follows:

Revive updates ⁣the firmware and updates⁢ the RecoveryOS⁣ to the latest⁤ volume. It doesn’t change​ any data, and the user/admin can then try to recover⁣ the Mac using⁤ RecoveryOS.

Restore updates firmware and‍ RecoveryOS, ​but also returns the Mac to factory‍ setting, which means​ all its data is ⁢destroyed.

In most​ cases, and‌ for most users, you’ll want⁢ the Revive ⁤command to succeed.‌ No ⁢one enjoys​ the scent‍ of lost ⁤data⁤ during⁢ deadline. Don’t forget that if ⁣you’re‍ working with ‍Macs on a secured enterprise network, you must also ensure‍ traffic from your devices‌ to Apple’s​ web services are supported, as explained ⁣here.

More to come in Sonoma

This‌ isn’t the ​only ‌improvement macOS Sonoma provides Mac admins. The release holds a multitude of⁤ improvements around identity management, including ⁢extended use of ‌Managed Apple​ IDs, federated identity, and the capacity to provision passcodes and passkeys automatically to managed IDs‍ via iCloud Keychain. It also brings numerous​ security⁢ and privacy improvements to protect users and their‌ systems.

Other enhancements include new tools‌ for⁣ app and certificate deployment through Declarative Device Management and the capacity to force software updates on managed devices to⁢ take ‌place at specific deadlines.

Automated device enrollment ‌along with pester messages reminding…

2023-08-21 18:00:03
Link from rnrn

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