Live updates: UK Covid inquiry reveals Boris Johnson’s lack of understanding of science and Matt Hancock’s tendency to make false statements

From 3h agoKey events9m agoHow Vallance complained about cabinet ministers⁣ being ‘meek as mice’ as they⁢ resisted ‌second lockdown37m agoInquiry sees diary entry quoting Dominic Cummings saying: ‘Rishi thinks just let people die’ as second lockdown debated54m‌ ago’They’ve had a good innings’ – how Johnson argued against second lockdown‌ by saying he ⁣could accept more deaths1h agoVallance says Matt Hancock had habit of saying things⁣ during Covid crisis that weren’t true2h agoVallance rejects suggestions Sage⁢ should have included economists, but says separate ‘economic Sage’ could be helpful2h agoSunak says he ‌will cut⁣ taxes ‘over time’ as he announces new economic priorities2h agoVallance says he’s surprised by Sunak telling Covid inquiry he ⁣can’t recall scientists having concerns about ‌eat out to help out3h agoVallance recorded in his diary how⁢ No 10⁤ wanted science ‘altered’, inquiry hears3h agoJohnson provoked ‘incredulity’ at meeting as ⁤he⁣ commented on what Covid graphs‍ might⁣ mean, inquiry hears3h agoVallance says it ⁣is ‘not ​unusual’ for leaders in western‌ democracies to‍ have poor understanding of science3h agoVallance’s diary provides Covid inquiry with multiple examples of Boris Johnson struggling to ⁤understand scientific advice4h agoVallance admits he was ⁤uncomfortable with claim government was ‘following the science’4h agoScientists found it hard to get clarity on how many ‌Covid cases it would take to overwhelm NHS, inquiry ‌hears4h agoChris Whitty was a ‘delayer’ when it came to implementing lockdown-type‌ measures at start of Covid crisis, inquiry hears4h agoVallance accepts science advisers were ‘wrong’ about when‍ to push for lockdown-type measures at ⁣start of pandemic5h agoSunak says⁢ voters‌ will face ‘clear contrast’ at election because Labour’s £28bn borrowing plan means ⁢it couldn’t cut taxes5h agoSunak says government ‘over time can and ⁤will cut taxes’5h⁢ agoVallance says he kept daily ⁤diary during Covid as means of ‘decompressing’, ‌not ⁤for future publication5h agoDWP alert about forthcoming statistical release implies ​Hunt may change how ‍benefits‍ uprated, ‍former minister says6h agoPatrick ​Vallance gives evidence ⁣to Covid inquiry6h agoSunak could block Human ​Rights Act to force through Rwanda asylum plan7h agoGovernment rejects minister’s idea that rich pensioners should lose winter fuel paymentsFilters BETAKey events (22)Patrick⁢ Vallance​ (24)Andrew O’Connor (16)Rishi Sunak (12)Boris Johnson‍ (7)Jeremy Hunt (5)2m ago10.57 EST

Turning⁢ away from the Covid ⁢inquiry, Jeremy Hunt, the chancellor, is ‍now taking part in a Q&A at a CBI conference.

Hunt starts by claiming that his autumn statement is not yet finalised, so he ​is ‍still ⁤open to suggestions.

He says, now inflation is coming under control, the ​government can “start ‌to shake off some of the defeatism and pessimism” about Britain.

He says‍ he expected ridicule when he said he wanted‍ Britain to be the next Silicon Valley. But, outside ​the ‍US, it has the best universities and the best…

2023-11-20 10:48:14
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