Live on NASA TV: Cosmonaut Spacewalkers to Exit Station Soon

Live on NASA TV: Cosmonaut Spacewalkers to Exit Station Soon

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What is the Duration of the Upcoming Spacewalk by Cosmonaut Spacewalkers?

Overview of Spacewalk

What is a spacewalk? A spacewalk, also known as an Extra-Vehicular Activity (EVA), is a type of mission where astronauts or cosmonauts exit their spacecraft into the vacuum of space to perform repairs or maintenance.

Who is performing the spacewalk? Two Russian cosmonauts, Oleg Novitskiy and Pyotr Dubrov, will conduct the spacewalk. This will be their second spacewalk together, and their first outside the International Space Station.

Why are they performing the spacewalk? The spacewalk will involve the installation of a new module and the removal of obsolete equipment from the outside of the Russian segment of the ISS. The module will serve as a research laboratory and a spacewalking airlock.

How to Watch the Live Coverage

When is the spacewalk? The spacewalk is scheduled for today, September 2, 2021, at 10:00 a.m. EDT.

How do I watch the live coverage? You can watch the live coverage of the spacewalk on NASA TV. The coverage will begin at 9:30 a.m. EDT, and will include real-time updates as the spacewalkers work outside the ISS.

Preparations for the Spacewalk

How do astronauts and cosmonauts prepare for a spacewalk? Astronauts and cosmonauts undergo extensive training before performing a spacewalk. They practice in a giant swimming pool called the Neutral Buoyancy Lab, where they wear underwater suits and practice spacewalking techniques in simulated zero-gravity conditions.

What do the astronauts wear during a spacewalk? The spacewalkers wear special suits called Extravehicular Mobility Units (EMUs). These suits are designed to protect the astronauts from the vacuum of space and extreme temperatures.

What are the risks of a spacewalk? Spacewalks are inherently risky due to the harsh conditions of space. The spacewalkers are at risk of decompression sickness, fatigue, and radiation exposure. However, extensive safety protocols are in place to ensure the safety of the astronauts and cosmonauts during a spacewalk.

Overall, the upcoming spacewalk by the two Russian cosmonauts is an exciting event for space enthusiasts and a critical mission for the ISS. Don’t miss the live coverage on NASA TV!

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