Life on Israel’s Frontline with Gaza: Taking it One Day at a Time

Road 232, an Israeli highway, runs parallel to the blockaded Gaza Strip. It‍ is surrounded by flat agricultural land in ⁤every ‌direction,⁣ and ​from it‍ the higher floors ⁢of the ⁣overcrowded enclave’s high rise buildings, are clearly ⁣visible, about 3 ⁣miles (5km) ⁢away.

Now, the route appears to have become the new de facto boundary between ‍territory ⁤controlled by Israel and Hamas, the Islamist​ movement that launched a devastating surprise sea, land‍ and air offensive on 20 neighbouring kibbutzim and Israeli towns last weekend. They slaughtered more than 1,000 people, and abducted dozens more to be used as bargaining chips. More than 830 people in⁢ Gaza have been killed in retaliatory ⁢Israeli⁢ airstrikes.

It is not just a new border: it is a new frontline. Early on Tuesday, four days into the fifth ⁤round⁣ of war since Hamas seized control‌ of Gaza in 2007, the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) said that Israel’s perimeter with the strip had finally been secured.


By⁢ midmorning, that⁢ was no longer the case: ⁤the boom and crump of airstrikes and⁤ artillery, along with the rattle of automatic gunfire, echoed across the‍ empty fields. A convoy of Israeli ⁢tanks roared past, sending soil and dust metres up into the air. Two military ⁤helicopters hovered overhead and ⁣jumpy ⁢soldiers at ‍checkpoints bristled at every distant movement. Huge plumes of black smoke ⁢rose ⁣above Gaza.

Israeli⁢ troops inspect the site of ⁤the weekend attack‍ on​ the Supernova desert music festival by Palestinian militants near Kibbutz Re’im. Photograph: Jack Guez/AFP/Getty Images

Kibbutz ⁤Re’im, off Road 232, is where 260 partygoers at an all-night rave​ were massacred at daybreak on Saturday. Survivors have told of playing dead next to bodies of their friends and watching​ women being‌ raped before they were shot in the⁢ head, or tied up ⁢and burned. On ⁣the outskirts of the kibbutz, the​ bodies of​ Israelis have now all ⁤been removed.

How the Hamas attack on the⁣ Supernova festival ‍in Israel unfoldedRead more

The only remains left on the⁣ sides of the road are the rotting cadavers of five men, stripped ⁤to ⁤their underwear, after being ‌checked for explosives. All were surrounded by piles ⁣of clothing‍ and military equipment bearing the green insignia⁤ of Hamas, and the white of Palestinian Islamic Jihad. Shot-up ⁤and abandoned cars bearing both Israeli and Palestinian licence ‍plates were scattered up and down the ⁤highway.

In Sderot, a working-class town on‌ the north-east corner ⁢of Gaza, the situation was not much better. Katry Kamenetski, 48, who⁢ moved ⁤to Israel from Moldova six years ago,⁤ never ⁤really liked the place. But ‌after hiding ⁢in her apartment with her 23-year-old⁤ daughter for four days, watching the⁤ battle between gunmen who seized the ⁣police station ‍over the road and Israeli forces, she was happy to get outside, even ‌if air raid sirens meant ducking into‍ public bomb shelters every so often.

“There were⁤ Israeli snipers on our‌ roof, we ‍could hear them. The electricity⁢ and water ⁢kept going off. We sat ​in⁤ the…

2023-10-10 12:55:23
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