Renowned Japanese comic book author Akira Toriyama, best known for creating the iconic “Dragon Ball” manga and anime series, passed away on March 1 at the age of 68.
His death was confirmed by his manga and design production studio, Bird Studio, and Capsule Corporation Tokyo, citing acute subdural hematoma as the cause, which occurs when blood accumulates between the skull and brain.
Toriyama’s influential body of work, which includes other popular titles such as ”Dr. Slump” and ”Sand Land,” has left a lasting impact on manga artists and cartoonists worldwide. At the time of his passing, he had several ongoing projects in development.
His most famous creation, “Dragon Ball,” chronicles the adventures of a young boy named Son Goku as he sets out on a quest to gather the seven wish-granting Dragon Balls. Since its debut in the 1980s, the series has spanned 42 volumes, achieved millions of copies in global sales, and inspired numerous television, film, and video game adaptations.
A comprehensive obituary will be published soon.
2024-03-08 00:02:24
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