Legal action to be taken by government in bid to keep hold of Johnson’s WhatsApp messages

Legal action to be taken by government in bid to keep hold of Johnson’s WhatsApp messages

The UK government has initiated legal action against the official Covid public inquiry in an attempt to avoid handing over unredacted WhatsApp messages from Prime Minister Boris Johnson. The move comes after the inquiry, led by retired judge Heather Hallett, demanded evidence from the government, including Johnson’s WhatsApp messages and notebooks, as well as texts from one of his No 10 aides, Henry Cook. While Johnson has agreed to hand over the requested evidence to the Cabinet Office, the department is resisting passing it to the inquiry, citing concerns that it could request the WhatsApp messages of serving ministers, including Rishi Sunak. The Cabinet Office has sought leave to bring a judicial review, arguing that the inquiry does not have the power to compel the production of documents and messages that are irrelevant to its work, including personal communications and matters unconnected to the government’s handling of Covid. The decision risks fuelling allegations of a cover-up and is an unprecedented challenge to the remit of a public inquiry.

Government Initiates Legal Proceedings in Bid to Preserve Johnson’s WhatsApp Messages

2023-06-01 11:34:43
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