LandSpace Secures Victory in Methane Race to Orbit with Second ZhuQue-2 Launch

LandSpace Secures Victory in Methane Race to Orbit with Second ZhuQue-2 Launch

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What other companies are in the “methane race to orbit”?


LandSpace, a leading private aerospace company based in China, has recently announced its victory in the exciting race to send a methane-powered rocket into orbit. The company achieved this remarkable milestone through the successful launch of its second ZhuQue-2 rocket.

A Breakthrough in Space Technology

This accomplishment by LandSpace is noteworthy due to the significance of methane as a propellant. Methane-powered rockets have gained immense attention and interest within the aerospace industry due to their potential to significantly reduce the environmental impact of space launches.

Compared to traditional rocket propellants, methane offers several advantages. It burns cleaner, producing fewer harmful emissions, and enables higher energy efficiency. Methane rockets also have the potential to harness resources from celestial bodies, such as Mars, where methane is more abundant. This makes them an important step towards sustainable space exploration.

LandSpace’s Second ZhuQue-2 Launch

The second launch of the ZhuQue-2 rocket by LandSpace marked their triumph in the methane race to orbit. The rocket, powered by a methane-fueled engine, successfully reached its designated orbit, demonstrating the viability of methane-powered propulsion systems.

The ZhuQue-2 is a two-stage liquid-propellant rocket developed by LandSpace. It stands 49 meters tall and has a liftoff mass of approximately 216 tons. With a payload capacity of 4.5 tons to low Earth orbit, the ZhuQue-2 is a versatile launcher capable of fulfilling a wide range of mission requirements.

Implications for Future Space Exploration

LandSpace’s success in the methane race to orbit marks a significant milestone in furthering environmentally friendly space technologies. As governments and companies increasingly prioritize sustainability, methane-powered rockets hold great promise for future space missions.

Reducing the carbon footprint of space launches is essential, not only to protect our planet but also to enable more extensive and ambitious explorations beyond Earth. Methane-powered engines could play a vital role in future missions to Mars, where methane resources could be utilized for propellant production and energy generation.


LandSpace’s victory in the race to orbit with its second ZhuQue-2 launch showcases their expertise and commitment to pushing the boundaries of space technology. The achievement reinforces the potential of methane-powered rockets to revolutionize space exploration, making it more sustainable and resource-efficient. As we look to the future, LandSpace’s success paves the way for further advancements in environmentally friendly propulsion systems, unlocking new possibilities for human exploration of space.


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