Lack of Trust: US Climate Deniers Show Distrust in University Researchers

Lack of Trust: US Climate Deniers Show Distrust in University Researchers

U.S. voters who don’t​ trust universities are also more likely​ to believe ⁣that human activity doesn’t‌ cause climate change, ⁢a⁣ new collaborative‍ study from researchers at the University of Cambridge and the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) ‌revealed in PLOS Climate.

Based on a ‌survey of ‍thousands of U.S. voters, co-authors Cambridge Zero Fellow and Assistant Professor Ramit Debnath, Professor R. Michael Alvarez and Mr.⁤ Danny Ebanks ‍from Caltech, found that ​Americans⁢ who expressed negative and distrustful opinions‍ about universities and academics were also ⁢the most likely to believe climate change is not caused‍ by humans and is not a problem for the United States.

Despite ​increasing catastrophic weather events such as ⁣wildfires, flooding and news ⁤reports that hurricanes like Idalia⁣ have become ‌wetter, windier and more intense because of ⁢rising global‍ temperatures, the study revealed that ⁤almost half ⁣of⁢ U.S. voters (45%) believe climate change isn’t a problem at all, and 41% of voters believe that climate change is ‌a natural⁢ phenomenon not⁣ caused by humans.

Professor Debnath said, “This lack ‌of trust in higher education ‌and evidence-based research makes the public more vulnerable to ⁢opinion-based arguments from powerful actors who disproportionately profit from climate ​denialism.”

Among all the variables studied, such as age, gender, race, ⁢education and region, the ‍most‍ statistically ​significant factor in driving⁣ climate denialism was​ trust in institutions, the authors said. Young registered voters were most likely to trust institutions.

2023-09-09 06:00:04
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