Komi Republic Leader Urges Citizens to Donate Fishing Nets for Ukraine War Effort

Komi Republic Leader Urges Citizens to Donate Fishing Nets for Ukraine War Effort

The leader of the Komi Republic, Vladimir Uyba, has made a heartfelt plea to the people of the region to contribute fishing nets to support Russian soldiers in Ukraine.

“I urge​ all residents of our area ⁣who own fishing ⁣nets to consider donating them to our brave fighters in the Self-Defense Forces. We are collecting both ‍new and used ⁣nets to send to the front lines.​ The nets‌ should meet specific requirements: untangled, ⁣with cells measuring 5 by⁢ 5 centimeters,⁢ made of nylon, and preferably ‍in a dark color. I urge all compassionate residents of Komi to join this initiative. Let’s come together, united, to support our soldiers and contribute ⁣to their imminent victory!” – Uyba shared on his‍ Telegram channel.

However, Uyba did not elaborate on ‍how the military would utilize the nets in the war zone.

Previously, Uyba had urged residents on‍ social media to donate‌ personal firearms for the “Self-Defense Forces,”⁢ emphasizing that civilian weapons could help defend against drone attacks from⁢ Ukraine.

In a⁢ similar vein, The Insider reported⁣ that the National Guard in ⁢Buryatia had also requested locals to donate 12-gauge hunting rifles ⁣and ammunition for military purposes.

Post from⁣ theins.ru

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