Join the Movement: UK Activists Call for Pesticide-Free Cities Inspired by Paris

Join the Movement: UK Activists Call for Pesticide-Free Cities Inspired by Paris

Campaigners and local⁣ councils in the UK are urging for a⁤ ban on pesticides ‍in urban areas, taking inspiration from Paris.

The Pesticide Action Network (PAN) highlights how Paris maintained its beauty during the Olympics​ without the use of toxic chemicals, emphasizing that UK towns and cities ⁣can do the same.

Advocates ‌argue that pavements, parks, and playgrounds should be free from harmful substances⁤ to safeguard wildlife ⁢and human health.

Over ⁣150 councillors and 15,000 members of⁤ the public have ​joined PAN’s initiative to push⁤ for⁣ pesticide-free urban areas.

Amy⁣ Heley from the ⁢Pesticide Collaboration‌ emphasizes the need to eliminate‍ harmful chemicals from areas where people ⁣live, work, and play, pointing out that Paris ‌and other European‍ cities have ⁣successfully gone pesticide-free.

Paris phased out pesticide use starting in the 1990s, with⁣ a complete ban in all French ⁢towns and‌ cities since 2017.

While the UK does not have⁢ a nationwide ban, 100⁤ councils have already reduced pesticide‌ use, with 50 being completely pesticide-free.

Heley urges the UK government to‍ commit to phasing out urban pesticides, citing the positive⁢ impact⁣ on public health, environmental conservation, and ⁤wildlife protection.

She emphasizes the availability of non-chemical alternatives and the success of cities ‍worldwide in going pesticide-free,⁤ making it‍ a logical and beneficial choice.

2024-08-27 23:00:08
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