Is it Time for 3D Printing to Go Mainstream? Apple Watch Rumor Suggests So

Is it Time for 3D Printing to Go Mainstream? Apple Watch Rumor Suggests So

An ⁢interesting thing‌ may‌ be​ happening inside‌ Apple ⁤Watch ⁣Ultra; ⁤it⁤ seems the‌ company plans ⁤to poke⁤ its⁢ toes ⁤into the industrial⁢ 3D printing of components​ used inside ⁣the device.

The claim ‍at‌ this ‌point ⁢remains ​speculative and comes ‍from⁣ Apple ​analyst Ming-Chi Kuo, who said the ‌company ​intends to⁤ print⁤ components out‍ of titanium.

While‌ Kuo doesn’t say ⁢it,​ it’s plausible to⁢ think this may involve⁤ using‍ Liquidmetal ‍for components.⁤ Apple‍ announced a ⁣perpetual license for use ⁣of these‌ harder ‍than⁢ steel and stronger⁣ than titanium⁢ alloys back⁣ in⁢ 2010, and⁢ a variety of recent​ patents ‌show​ it⁣ continues‌ working⁣ with ‌the ​substance.

⁤If Apple uses it, others⁤ will,‍ too

While Apple users ⁣might be interested⁣ to ​think ⁢that parts⁣ inside⁤ future products⁤ could ⁢be printed ⁢in 3D, the ​implication for the​  technology’s use ⁣in⁣ manufacturing⁢ might be ‍more significant. Kuo‌ argues ‍that ⁤if Apple does⁣ indeed​ adopt ⁣3D printing⁣ in its⁢ manufacturing chain, ‍doing ​so would legitimize use of ​3D​ printing​ in component ‍design and industrial production elsewhere.

He points ⁤out ⁢that ​when Apple adopted automated⁢ manufacturing technologies across its supply ⁤chain,‍ industrial adoption of Computer Numerical Control (CNC) printing on ‌production‍ lines⁤ accelerated. ​He ‍thinks ⁤the same thing might⁣ happen ​this time‌ with ​3D ⁤printing, ⁤specifically‌ around ‌electronics.

It’s⁢ not such an outlandish idea. After all, ⁢in‍ 2018⁢ one of the pioneers⁣ in this‌ part of ‌the 3D space, Lite-On’s⁢ Henrik ‌Johansson, took‌ a job at ‌Apple.‌ So, ‍there’s‍ that.

​ In the doldrums

3D printing‌ isn’t new, but wider adoption of the tech ⁤has been held back for ⁢a⁤ variety of ‌reasons, not least the ​relative ⁢expense. Yes, a strong hobbyist ⁣market exists, and⁤ yes, there are‍ some huge⁢ industrial implementations, ‌such as⁢ the print of components in space by NASA, component⁢ printing at⁢ GE/Ford, or special edition Nike trainers. Also yes, there are technologies to actually print buildings ‌for⁢ human‌ habitation.

But Apple, despite its ‍many patents, ARKit, and having explored ⁣these technologies‌ for years, hasn’t⁣ yet really⁣ bitten the 3D​ print fruit, ‍and the⁣ tech generally remains ⁤in the ‌pre-adoption‍ doldrums ⁢on ⁤the⁢ Gartner hype cycle.

This ⁣could change⁣ if ⁣Apple⁢ gets involved.‌ Apple has held ⁢additional patents for use of⁤ Liquidmetal since at least 2013. These include some⁢ patents for⁤ really⁣ tough-to-do tasks, including the capacity ⁢to‍ 3D print⁣ onto existing ‌or unfinished objects.

Other‌ patents ⁢could ⁤signal wider interest⁢ in building powerful 3D⁤ analysis ⁣and ‍printing technologies‌ for ‍digital⁤ twin and fast prototyping.

These ⁢rely on technologies similar to⁣ those Apple’s ⁤vision⁤ for⁤ Apple Vision ​seems⁣ built ⁢to exploit, ‍such⁤ as augmented ⁤reality‌ and 3D cameras. Apple⁢ has ⁤spent time ‍considering​ these ​applications, given ‍it alluded to them during ​the​ Vision Pro⁢ launch⁤ and already uses ⁣such⁤ technologies ​in its own prototyping ⁣labs.

(Then-Chief Design ‍Officer⁤ Jony‍ Ive‍ famously⁢ used ⁣CNC to ‍print a⁢ large ⁢aluminium ⁢badge…

2023-07-19 13:00:04
Original from rnrn

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