Iran’s Response to U.S. Strikes in Middle East: Condemnation Without Retaliation Threats

Iran’s Response to U.S. Strikes in Middle East: Condemnation Without Retaliation Threats

Iran ‍has ‌a significant military presence‌ through various armed groups in the Middle East, but the extent of its control over ⁢their actions is uncertain. This issue⁣ has become more pressing ‌following an ⁤attack by an⁤ Iranian-backed ⁤Iraqi militia⁤ on a⁢ U.S. base in northwest Jordan, resulting in ‍casualties. The groups share Iran’s desire for the U.S. ⁣military⁣ to leave‌ the region and for Israel’s power to diminish. Most ⁢of these groups follow the Shiite branch ​of‌ Islam, with ⁤the exception of Hamas, ‌whose members are‍ predominantly ⁣Sunni Muslims. Iran ⁤has provided weapons, training, financing, and other support to these⁢ groups, particularly ⁣in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Yemen. Despite its ⁣support, Iran⁢ does ‌not necessarily control when and where the groups attack ‍Western and‌ Israeli targets. Each ⁢militia has⁤ its ​own ‍agenda, depending on its home‌ country. For example,​ the Houthi movement in Yemen has shown strength and prowess by attacking major powers and aligning itself with Iran’s goal of provoking Israel​ and‌ the United States. Hezbollah in Lebanon, with long-standing ties‍ to ‍Iran,⁢ is part of the⁣ Lebanese​ government. The extent of Iran’s control over these groups remains a topic‌ of debate among experts and intelligence ​officials.


Date: 2024-02-03 14:30:57

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