Investors of UBS show increasing support for Credit Suisse deal

Investors of UBS show increasing support for Credit Suisse deal

ZURICH, ‍July ⁤17​ (Reuters) – ​UBS’s ‍(UBSG.S) emergency takeover of Credit ⁤Suisse may lead⁢ to thousands⁤ of​ job‌ losses, departures ‍of ‍key staff,⁢ and ⁣a⁣ risky integration challenge, ⁣but for many ⁢UBS‌ investors, ⁤it increasingly looks ​like ‍a⁢ good deal for Switzerland’s ​biggest bank.

Since⁢ UBS bought‌ Credit​ Suisse in⁢ a 3 billion ⁣Swiss franc ‍($3.4 ​billion) ⁤deal⁣ completed ​last month, investors have⁣ come to share the optimism ⁣of UBS Chairman⁢ Colm Kelleher, ⁢who‌ has⁤ highlighted ⁤the many opportunities ​as well as‍ potential pitfalls ‌arising from the ​takeover.

Several ⁣fund‍ managers‍ who​ hold⁣ UBS stock​ have ‌told ⁣Reuters they⁣ think UBS has bought⁤ Credit ⁢Suisse at a ⁢good⁤ price, with‌ some even ⁤describing it ‍as​ a‌ steal.

“I ‍think ⁢UBS⁢ is being rather​ conservative about ⁢the true extent ​of the ⁤benefits ​it ⁢can get ‌from this politically sensitive ⁣merger,” ‌Guy ⁢de⁢ Blonay​ at Jupiter ​Asset Management ⁤said.

UBS ‌agreed‍ to ‍take⁣ over⁣ CS in⁤ a rescue ⁤orchestrated by‍ Swiss authorities as​ Switzerland’s second-largest teetered​ bank on the ‍edge ⁤of collapse, ⁢creating⁤ a combined group ‌overseeing⁤ more ​than ‌$5 ⁤trillion of assets.

UBS has said ‍the integration⁢ of the ⁤two ‌organizations could​ take‌ three to four years,⁤ during‍ which time it ​plans‍ to manage two separate​ parent ​companies⁢ – ‍UBS AG and⁣ Credit ​Suisse ‌AG – each⁣ with its​ own⁣ subsidiaries and ‌branches.

Ultimately, ‍the deal promises ⁤to‌ give​ UBS⁤ a⁤ leading position‌ in key markets‌ it⁤ would otherwise ⁤have‍ needed⁢ years to‌ grow in⁢ size⁢ and reach.

“UBS got Credit ⁣Suisse ⁢for practically nothing,⁣ so⁣ accordingly ‍the deal will‍ work ⁤out for them,” another ​investor‍ told Reuters.


In⁣ a regulatory ⁣filing ⁢in⁢ May,⁣ UBS flagged ​tens of billions⁤ of ‍dollars in potential ‍costs ‍and benefits from the⁣ takeover.

It ‌said‍ it⁢ expected ‌a‌ negative impact ‌of ​$13​ billion from fair value adjustments ⁢of⁣ the combined‌ group’s ​financial ​assets and​ liabilities, ​and​ a ⁣further $4 ⁢billion ⁣in‌ potential litigation and⁢ regulatory costs ​stemming ⁤from outflows.

However, these ⁤items ⁣would be ⁢more than offset ⁢by a 16⁣ billion⁢ franc ​gain from⁢ the ​writedown‌ of ​Credit Suisse’s⁤ AT1 bonds, as well ⁤as⁤ $34.8 billion‍ from buying⁤ Credit ‍Suisse⁢ at a fraction‌ of‌ its book value.

It also⁢ received ⁣a ⁢state ⁢guarantee ⁣to‍ absorb up⁣ to 9 billion ⁤francs in losses. As ⁤a⁢ result, UBS ‌has⁢ gained⁢ a huge risk ⁤buffer to ‌help ⁣digest ⁤its cross-town rival.

“They wouldn’t have⁤ got this ‍buffer‍ in a normal⁢ merger,”​ said Andreas ‌Thomae​ from Deka⁣ Investment.

Fund​ managers also⁤ raised ‍doubts​ that ⁢competition ‍watchdogs would‍ have approved such‍ a​ deal – which gives ‌the ⁤combined bank a market share ⁢of ​more than⁢ a quarter of both Swiss domestic ⁣loans‍ (26%) and ‌domestic ‍deposits (26%) – under normal circumstances.

“Now ‍the​ authorities​ have waved ⁤the deal‍ through because ​they⁢ had⁤ to ⁣find ‍someone in an ⁣emergency‌ situation,” Thomae‌ added. “It’s‌ an⁤ attractive ⁤deal⁤ for ​UBS if it goes ​through ‌as planned.”

Still, ‌UBS inherits ‍a‌ troubled legacy at ‍Credit⁢ Suisse,⁤ said ⁤Thomae, ​pointing⁣ to legal risks ⁢which ‍UBS has said ‌could‌ cost⁣ billions⁣ of…

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