Investigation of open cluster NGC 2509 by Turkish astronomers

Investigation of open cluster NGC 2509 by Turkish astronomers

Using data ‍from ESA’s Gaia satellite, ⁢astronomers from the ‍Istanbul University have examined a Galactic⁤ open cluster called NGC 2509. The results of ​the study, published ⁤on September ‍10 on the pre-print server arXiv, provide important ‍insights into the structural and ​astrophysical​ parameters of this cluster.

Open clusters (OCs),⁢ which are formed from the same giant molecular cloud, ‌are groups of stars loosely bound⁢ to each ⁤other by ⁢gravity. Over 1,000 of these clusters have ⁢been discovered​ in the Milky Way⁤ so far, and⁤ scientists ​are still searching for more in the hopes of finding a variety ⁤of ⁢these stellar groupings.‍ Expanding the ⁣list of‍ known galactic ⁤open clusters and ‍studying them in detail could be crucial for⁣ improving ‍our understanding of the formation and evolution of ⁤our galaxy.

NGC 2509 is an intermediate-age OC located in the constellation of Puppis. It‍ is ⁤a poorly studied cluster, and many of its properties are still uncertain or unknown. For⁢ example, some studies suggest‍ that NGC 2509 is located about 3,000 light years away, ​while others indicate a much larger distance of at least 8,000 light years. The cluster’s age estimates are also debated, ranging ⁢from‍ 1 to 8 billion years.

That is why astronomers Talar Yontan and Seliz Koç from Istanbul University decided to investigate NGC 2509 by analyzing astrometric and photometric‍ data from the latest⁣ Gaia Data Release 3 (DR3).

“We conducted⁤ a study of the intermediate-age open cluster NGC 2509 ‍based‌ on Gaia DR3 astrometric and photometric data.‌ (…) We created ‍the ⁤catalog of NGC 2509 by considering a 20 arcmin radius circular field from the cluster center,” the researchers wrote in⁣ the paper.

2023-09-20 00:00:04
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