Investigation examines extensive turbulence in NGC 6946 galaxy

Investigation examines extensive turbulence in NGC 6946 galaxy

Indian astronomers⁤ have conducted‌ a study aimed at investigating a large-scale turbulence in ⁢the interstellar medium of a spiral galaxy known as NGC 6946.‍ Results of the study, published October 4⁢ on the pre-print ‌server ​arXiv, could help us better understand ​the nature of this phenomenon.

Observations show that the interstellar medium (ISM) is turbulent on scales up to thousands⁤ of‌ light years. This turbulence plays an important‌ role in several processes such⁢ as the formation ⁣of​ stars, the stability ‍of molecular clouds,⁣ and the re-acceleration and diffusion of‍ cosmic rays. However, although many studies of turbulence in ISM have been conducted, its⁤ generation mechanism still baffles ⁣scientists.

NGC 6946⁤ is a bright late-type spiral⁣ galaxy located some⁤ 19.2 million light ⁢years away. It⁣ has an ⁢optical radius of around 32,000 ⁢light years, dynamical mass of about 730 billion​ solar masses and a ‍star-formation​ rate at a level of ⁣2.5 solar masses per year. Previous observations of NGC 6946 have identified the presence of a turbulence cascade⁢ in the disk of this galaxy.

Now, Meera Nandakumar and Prasun ​Dutta of the ‌Indian Institute ‌of Technology (BHU) Varanasi, decided to ⁢take⁢ a closer look‌ at the turbulence in NGC 6946,​ by ⁢analyzing ​the data from the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) and The⁤ HI Nearby ⁤Galaxy Survey (THINGS). They⁤ used the visibility‌ moment estimator (VME) to measure the⁤ neutral atomic⁢ hydrogen (HI) column ​density and line of ⁢sight turbulent velocity ‍power spectrum from‌ VLA and THINGS.

The results point to the existence of a⁢ large-scale energy cascade in the disk of NGC⁢ 6946. ⁣The study found that the ⁤density power ⁣spectrum‌ of this‌ galaxy‌ has a slope ⁣of -1.81 and the column density‍ slope was ⁤measured⁢ to be -0.96. According to the authors of the paper, these findings suggest that the turbulence-driving mechanism for NGC‍ 6946 comes from a ⁤combination of compressive and solenoidal forcing.

2023-10-12 08:24:03
Original from rnrn

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