Insufficient: Reducing antibiotic usage in animal feed alone insufficient to combat antibiotic resistance, new research reveals

Insufficient: Reducing antibiotic usage in animal feed alone insufficient to combat antibiotic resistance, new research reveals

A new study led by the ⁣University of Oxford has found that natural evolution of antibiotic resistance ⁣genes has maintained resistance in bacteria despite ‌a reduction ‌in the​ use of antibiotics. The findings demonstrate the ⁣importance of understanding the regulatory evolution of resistance genes to strategically combat AMR.

The study, “Regulatory fine-tuning of mcr-1⁤ increases ⁢bacterial fitness and stabilizes ‍antibiotic resistance in agricultural settings,” has been published ​in the⁤ Journal​ of the ⁢International‌ Society‌ for Microbial Ecology.

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a ​serious and growing threat to global health,​ with 1.2 ⁣million people ⁤dying each year⁢ due to drug-resistant‍ infections. The ​overuse and misuse ​of antibiotics is a‍ major driver of AMR, and there is⁢ an urgent⁣ need to protect the efficacy of ‘last-line’ antibiotics to treat multidrug-resistant infections.

“Our study shows how evolution can⁤ rapidly stabilize ⁤resistance genes in pathogen‌ populations, reducing the impact ⁢of restricting antibiotic consumption. Limiting consumption is one of most widely advocated strategies to combat AMR, and the main ‌lesson ‌of our work moving forward is that we need new, innovative​ strategies‍ to actively eliminate⁢ AMR bacteria,” says Professor Craig MacLean,⁢ Department of ⁤Biology, University ⁢of Oxford

In 2017, the ⁢Chinese government banned the use of last-line ⁣antibiotic colistin as a ⁤growth promotor in animal feed in response to the rapid spread of⁢ antibiotic-resistant bacteria ⁢Escherichia coli (E.coli) carrying mobile colistin ​resistance ⁤(MCR)⁣ genes. Bacteria carrying MCR⁣ genes are resistant to treatment​ with colistin and ⁢cause hard⁣ to ⁢treat drug-resistant‍ infections in humans and ⁤animals.

2023-10-08 02:24:03
Original‌ from rnrn

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