Insightful Glimpse: Exploring the Fed’s Thought Process in the Morning Bid

Insightful Glimpse: Exploring the Fed’s Thought Process in the Morning Bid

Oct. 11⁢ (Reuters) – A look at the day ahead ⁣in U.S. and global markets by Amanda Cooper, editor, finance and markets breaking newsInvestors are‍ always eager⁤ to get a look at⁢ the minutes from​ the ⁢Federal Reserve’s ⁤most‌ recent policy meetings. They scour every line and often every punctuation​ mark,⁣ for any sign of a ⁣shift ‍in thinking. They might ‌be disappointed later⁢ on⁣ Wednesday when ‍the minutes ‌of⁤ the Federal Open Market Committee’s September meeting hit the wire.In ‌a statement after the Sept. 20 meeting, Chair Jerome Powell reiterated the central bank’s more hawkish monetary policy stance, saying ‌that although “people‌ hate ‍inflation”, the jury was out on​ whether the central bank’s‍ work ‌in⁣ tackling price ⁢pressures was‍ done.Cue a rip higher in the dollar, ⁤gold getting battered and a rise ‍in bond yields.Since then, however, Treasury yields have soared by ​a third of a ‍percentage point, with those on ⁣30-year bonds⁢ poking above 5% for the first time⁤ since August 2007 – an unwelcome development for⁣ homeowners, seeing as the average⁤ mortgage is above 7.5%, the highest since late ⁣2000.The Fed ‌has always been pretty clear about its intentions to raise rates as high as needed for as long as needed to bring down inflation. But October’s rise in yields has been enough to⁢ prompt a number of officials, ‌even known hawks like Dallas Fed President Lorie Logan, to ​suggest‍ this might mean there is less need for the another rate hike in the current cycle.Consequently,​ yields⁤ are off those ⁢highs and strategists at ING at least do​ not believe‍ the mood⁢ is ‌there to push ‍them back‍ up⁤ right now. Geopolitical tensions are red hot, and, consumer inflation data for September is​ a day away.Policymakers’ sense on how much the rise in bond yields ⁤might affect broader credit conditions may not be reflected in⁤ today’s minutes,‌ not least because ⁤at that point, 10-year Treasuries‍ were a good 30⁣ basis ⁣points lower than now at 4.54%.Borrowing costs and liquidity have tightened dramatically in⁢ the last couple of years, as central banks, including the Fed have raised rates, but​ also sold⁣ off their⁤ trillions of dollars in assets amassed as part of ‌their efforts⁢ to support ⁤their economies, first during ⁢the ‍financial crisis in 2008,‌ and second, ⁣during the COVID⁣ pandemic 2020.MARKETS IN ‘UNCHARTED TERRITORY’Deutsche Bank says the market‍ is in uncharted territory in terms​ of the shrinkage in ​central‍ banks‘ balance ⁣sheets. In‍ the‍ roughly 15 years since the financial crisis,⁤ central‍ banks have never sold assets as quickly as they have in the ‌last half-year.Strategists⁢ at⁢ the bank estimate that process, known​ as quantitative ⁢tightening, has ‌accelerated to a pace of ⁤$750 billion⁢ in​ the⁣ last six months, based on net asset sales of the Fed, the European Central Bank,‌ the Bank of England, ‌the central banks of⁢ Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Sweden and Japan.While it is impossible to state with certainty ⁢what the implications are, the‍ bank says, it is possible to quantify ⁢the impact on ‌the…

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