Infamous Venezuelan Prison Exposed by Torture Survivor’s VR Experience

Infamous Venezuelan Prison Exposed by Torture Survivor’s VR Experience

El Helicoide, an abandoned mall in Caracas with an iconic dome, is used by Venezuelan⁣ intelligence to ⁣hold ⁢dozens of political‍ prisoners,⁢ according to⁤ an NGO.


Cries of pain ring out from ⁢the dark hallways and cramped ⁢cells, punctuated by the sound of electric shocks.

Wearing⁣ headsets and sensors, viewers encounter such grim scenes⁤ on a virtual ⁣”visit” to ⁤one ⁤of⁤ Venezuela’s most notorious prisons, El ⁢Helicoide, in Caracas.

The VR ‌event Helicoide Reality, featuring the⁣ testimony of 30 survivors‍ of ‌torture ⁢by ‌Venezuela’s ⁣intelligence services, has been presented in 17 ‍countries.

Among its viewers is Piotr Hofmanski, president of the ‍International Criminal ‍Court, ⁤which is investigating possible crimes against humanity committed under the government of President Nicolas Maduro.

“We are looking for decision-makers to promote the closure of torture⁢ centers. We want El⁣ Helicoide ​to be closed,” said Victor ⁣Navarro, director of the NGO that developed the project, Voces de la Memoria (Voices of Memory).

Navarro knows‌ about El Helicoide firsthand. The 27-year-old, now a‍ refugee​ in⁤ Buenos Aires, was imprisoned there for five months ​in 2018.

He suspects it was for his activism: ​he took care of street youths during anti-Maduro protests‍ the year before that left more than 120 ‌dead.

“I was a witness and a victim of torture during my time. They put a ​gun⁢ in my mouth (during an interrogation), ‌loaded, ​with the safety​ off… They beat me,” he told ⁣AFP.

“I was doing social work, and they said I had created a terrorist cell financed by the United States,” ​Navarro ‌said.

Navarro was freed in‍ 2018 along with dozens of others as part of negotiations between the⁢ government and the political ‍opposition. He then fled the country.

He now has links with Washington,⁤ as Helicoide Reality⁤ was supported by the National Endowment⁢ for Democracy, ⁤a ‍foundation ‌primarily ‌financed by the⁢ US government.

Of the 286 political prisoners in ⁢Venezuela, 63 are thought to be held in El Helicoide, according to the NGO Foro⁤ Penal.

The massive building, with its spiral passages that ‍converge to form an enormous dome, was meant⁢ to be a groundbreaking ⁢architectural ⁣gem when construction started in the ‌1950s.

But the futuristic mall and commercial center ​was never inaugurated. ‌It was left largely empty and abandoned for decades,‍ until it was converted into a prison for the​ Bolivarian National Intelligence Service (SEBIN).

Venezuelan authorities deny that ⁢crimes against humanity have⁣ occurred ⁢there, and accuse​ the ICC of weaponizing⁣ international ⁢law for political ends.

The Venezuelan ​public prosecutor’s office also rejects accusations⁤ of torture, and points to the hundreds of military⁢ and ⁢police officers⁤ convicted⁣ for human rights violations as ⁤proof the justice system works properly.

Maduro‍ recently declared ‍El Helicoide a⁢ “moral reference,” receiving a small model of the building as a gift.

Navarro, for his part, wrote ‌a book about ​his time in the prison. But he found that ​words weren’t ⁢enough to convey the hell he lived ⁤through.

After discovering a virtual reality program based on Anne Frank’s famous diary of living under Nazi occupation, he knew⁣ what he wanted to ‍do.

Users virtually exploring El⁢ Helicoide find themselves plunged into the prison’s dark passageways. A⁢ police officer, clad in black, follows ​them around, wherever they go.

They⁢ hear voices: testimony ​from politicians but also ordinary people:⁢ a dancer, a sports teacher.

“Anyone who thinks differently from the government can be ‌victims,” Navarro⁤ says.

And not⁢ everything is virtual: the cries of pain, in between the electric ​shocks, ​are real, recorded by​ a prisoner who ⁣secretly had a cellphone.

At one point, the ​virtual visitor is surrounded by ⁣cockroaches, and gradually shrinks until he reaches the size of the insect⁣ — an ​idea born from prisoner⁣ interviews.

“(When you are detained) you are given the impression of ‍being a cockroach,” says Navarro.‍ Torture, he ⁣says, is ⁢dehumanizing that way.

The experiences​ in Helicoide ‍Reality match testimonies given to the ICC: Electric shocks to the testicles or suffocation ⁢with plastic ⁤bags⁢ are reported ‌to be common at the prison, while ‌many women report rape.

The memories are painful‌ — and ​are also still being made,⁢ Navarro points out.

“The hardest⁣ thing is ⁤that ⁢in Venezeula, the torture continues.”

Ex-Venezuelan political prisoner Victor Navarro shows on his‌ laptop part of the virtual reality tour of El Helicoide, a notorious⁢ prison in⁤ Caracas

Victor Navarro, a former Venezuelan political prisoner, developed a ⁤virtual reality program called Realidad⁣ Helicoide to showcase the hellish conditions ⁣prisoners are subjected to

Venezuelan authorities⁢ deny that any torture has taken place at El Helicoide, a once-futuristic mall-turned-prison

2023-08-03 16:48:02
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