Ineffective Anti-Porn Laws Being Passed by State Lawmakers in America

Ineffective Anti-Porn Laws Being Passed by State Lawmakers in America

America’s state ‌lawmakers ​are passing ineffective anti-porn laws

“Is anyone‌ else’s‍ Pornhub not ⁤working?” ‍tweeted the mischievous grey-haired⁢ grandma and⁢ state ​senator L. ‍Louise Lucas ⁢of ⁣Virginia on June‌ 30th. Mrs Lucas knew that the ⁣website would stop working ⁤for​ her and millions​ of Virginians ‍that ⁣weekend. Virginia, along with Mississippi, Utah and ​Louisiana, passed a law‍ this⁣ year requiring users to‍ prove ‌they are⁢ an adult⁤ before accessing⁤ pornographic ​websites.‍ Arkansas,⁢ Montana‍ and Texas have ⁢similar policies that will ⁤go into effect ‌over ⁤the‍ coming​ months.

Supporters of these laws claim ​that‌ they will protect children.‌ “This is about not putting children​ in ⁤harm’s‍ way,” says ⁤William ​Stanley, ⁢junior, a Virginia ​state senator and ⁣the ⁢bill’s ⁤author. There is just one problem:‍ the‌ laws‍ do‍ not⁤ seem to‍ work.

Lawmakers hoping to stop ‌minors from⁢ watching pornography face several obstacles. First,‌ porn enthusiasts of‍ all ages ⁤seem intent on getting around the new laws. The‌ day ⁣before​ Virginia’s‌ policy went into⁢ effect ​on‌ July 1st, interest ​in the search ‍term “VPN” (a ‍virtual ⁣private network allows⁣ users to ⁣appear as⁣ if‍ they ⁣are⁣ watching outside a state with ​age-verification laws) spiked ⁣in Virginia.

2023-07-13 07:58:53
Original ⁣from
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