Incessant Quest for the Elusive ‘Nemesis Bird’

Incessant Quest for the Elusive ‘Nemesis Bird’

In the world of birding, Peter Kaestner stands ​alone. No one‍ has seen ⁣and identified more⁢ birds than Mr. Kaestner, a retired U.S. diplomat ⁢who aspires​ to become the first birder⁢ to spot 10,000 of the planet’s roughly 11,000 ⁣avian species. With 9,697 on his eBird list so⁢ far, he is getting close.

Yet for⁢ all the birds he has looked for ‌and found, there remain ‍a few that he has‌ looked for and not found. He ‌doesn’t forget them.

There was the Congo peacock — a​ rare multicolored ‌pheasant of the Central African rainforest — that ‍he missed ‌in 1978, ‍when his traveling ‍party​ was stymied by a crash on the remote airstrip that they planned to search. There was⁢ a black-browed albatross he pursued off the German coast in 2015, some 300⁤ miles and a four-hour ferry ride from Mr. Kaestner’s home in Frankfurt at the time.

“I made four 10-hour⁢ trips⁣ to twitch it, to ⁤no avail,”‌ Mr. Kaester wrote in an ‍email. “Once, I missed it⁤ by 20 minutes!”

Through such⁢ trials birders develop what they call “nemesis birds,” ⁣birderspeak for the species that bedevil⁤ them again and ‍again, despite their best efforts.⁣ As birding surges in⁣ popularity, ​the hobby’s unique parlance requires explanation. To “twitch” is to drop everything to chase a rare bird found ‌outside its proper range. A “spark bird” is what ​birders call the bird that piques someone’s interest in birding. A “nemesis bird” keeps you going back and remains ⁤tantalizingly ‌out-of-reach.

“It’s a ⁣species that eludes you ‍after multiple‌ attempts, especially if​ the bird was or should have been there,” Mr. Kaestner said. “There is a connotation that something supernatural is getting between you and seeing the ​bird.”

Peter Kaestner, ⁣with ​a southern ⁢yellow-billed hornbill in Namibia.Credit…Peter ⁤Kaestner

An article in ⁢Audubon in 2017⁣ by Dan Koeppel defined a nemesis bird as “one common‌ enough that a dedicated birder should have spotted it, but that nevertheless remains unseen.” ⁣Mr. Koeppel, an author ⁤and science writer, has since broadened the definition slightly, noting it can mean different ⁢things​ to birders of different skill and interest levels.

“If⁤ it’s a bird ⁤that drives you crazy, you can call it a nemesis bird,”​ Mr. Koeppel ⁣said. “It could⁤ be a bird your mom ⁢has seen, but ⁤you haven’t.”

What causes a person to be driven crazy by birds? By⁣ now, the positive health benefits of birding are well-documented, and the U.S. Fish and‌ Wildlife Service estimates that about ⁣45 million Americans identify as birders. But what causes a person ​to obsess over ‍one particular⁢ bird? That is ‍something altogether specific⁤ and ⁤personal.

“The concept of nemesis birds is one ‌of the things my nonbirder friends are ‍most confused, then amused, by,” Danielle Khalife, a public health researcher from‍ Brooklyn, said. “Somebody asked⁣ if it was birds that you hate. ​Not exactly.”

Sometimes ⁣a bird’s novelty makes⁣ it⁣ a ⁣nemesis.‌ Since getting into birding during the pandemic, Ms. Khalife has…

2023-08-26 08:32:29
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