In vivo Electron Tunneling Linked to Ferritin in the Retina, Cochlea, Macrophages, and Other Tissues

In vivo Electron Tunneling Linked to Ferritin in the Retina, Cochlea, Macrophages, and Other Tissues

Electron tunneling associated with ferritin was proposed as early as 1988, but it is still viewed skeptically despite substantial evidence that it occurs. In our recent paper published in IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological and Multi-Scale Communications, my co-authors and I review the evidence of electron tunneling in ferritin, as well as the evidence that such electron tunneling may be used by biological systems that include the retina, the cochlea, macrophages, glial cells, mitochondria and magnetosensory systems.

While these diverse systems fall in different fields of study, we hope that this article will raise awareness of the mechanism of electron tunneling associated with ferritin and encourage further research into that phenomenon in biological systems that incorporate ferritin, particularly where there is no apparent need for the iron storage functions of ferritin in those systems.

Ferritin is an iron storage protein that self-assembles into a 12-nanometer diameter spherical shell that is 2 nanometers thick, and it can store up to ~4,500 iron atoms in an 8-nanometer diameter core. With an evolutionary history that appears to stretch back more than 1.2 billion years, it might seem rather old, but it should be kept in mind that single-celled organisms are believed to have first evolved ~3.5 billion years ago. As such, it may have taken more than 2 billion years for ferritin to evolve. When the first multicellular organisms evolved ~600 million years ago, members of the ferritin family of proteins were likely present, and they can be found today in almost all plants and animals.

The first suggestion that ferritin might have some quantum mechanical properties was made as early as 1988, 88 years after the discovery of quantum mechanics and eight years after the discovery of quantum dots, semiconductor nanoparticles that behave like artificial atoms and which are similar in size to ferritin. The quantum mechanical properties include magnetic behavior that arises from the way iron forms crystalline structures in the core of the ferritin shell, and electron tunneling.

Subsequent studies discussed in the paper provide substantial evidence that such quantum mechanical properties exist. However, those properties in this billion-year-old biostructure appear to have been mostly considered to be a curiosity or artifact, and not a quantum biological agent. Quantum biology as a study has been viewed with skepticism by biologists and many other scientists (although many of the scientists who discovered quantum mechanics more than 100 years ago believed it could be applicable to biology), but it is a growing field with research being conducted at many of the top universities, such as Caltech, Yale, the University of Chicago and UCLA.

2023-06-28 06:01:58
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