In New York City, a Multitude of Demonstrators Echo ‘Free Palestine’

In New York City, a Multitude of Demonstrators Echo ‘Free Palestine’

Thousands of people have marched in New York City ⁣to support Palestinians and raise awareness about Israeli bombings in the Gaza Strip.

Protests were seen across multiple neighbourhoods ‍in the sprawling United​ States city​ on Friday, with ⁤demonstrators chanting ‍“Free Palestine” and calling for an end to Israel’s illegal ​occupation ‌of Palestinian land.

Several blocks of Times Square⁤ were packed with mostly youthful but also older​ protesters, some⁢ of whom carried Palestinian⁢ flags or wore keffiyehs, with leaders on ‍megaphones.

Protesters were ‍<a href="” title=”In New York City, a Multitude of Demonstrators Echo 'Free Palestine'”>heard ⁤chanting, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will ⁣be ⁣free” ⁣which uses a slogan that some see⁤ as calling for equality between Palestinians and Israelis, but Jewish‍ organisations ⁢have condemned as anti-Semitic.

Videos showed dozens⁤ of people demonstrating in front ⁢of‍ Democratic ‌Senator‍ Chuck Schumer’s ⁢home in Brooklyn⁤ on Friday night to​ demand a ceasefire as he⁤ was preparing to ‍travel to Israel with a delegation of lawmakers.

New York City also⁣ saw counterprotests on Friday, ⁤with pro-Israeli demonstrators taking‍ to the streets and at times getting into verbal arguments with supporters of the Palestinians.

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