In January, the road welcomes the debut of the initial electric vehicle powered by a sodium battery, free from lithium

In January, the road welcomes the debut of the initial electric vehicle powered by a sodium battery, free from lithium

JAC Motors, a Volkswagen-backed Chinese automaker, is set ​to launch the first mass-produced electric vehicle (EV) ⁤with a sodium-ion battery through its new Yiwei brand. Although sodium-ion battery tech has a lower density (and⁣ is less mature) than lithium-ion, its lower costs, more abundant supplies and‍ superior‍ cold-weather performance could help accelerate mass EV⁢ adoption. CarNewsChina reports that the JAC Yiwei EV hatchback deliveries will begin in January.

Yiwei is a new brand in ‍2023 for JAC.⁣ Volkswagen has a 75 percent stake in ‌(and management control of) ⁤JAC and owns 50 percent of JAC’s parent company, Anhui Jianghuai Automobile Group Holdings (JAG). The Chinese government owns the other ⁤half of JAG, making for one of the⁢ auto industry’s stranger pairings.

The Sehol E10X, which the new Yiwei EV ⁣appears to be ⁢a rebranded version of.JAC via CarNewsChina

The Yiwei EV appears to be a rebranded version of⁣ the Sehol E10X hatchback (above),⁣ announced earlier this year….

2023-12-27 16:48:28
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