Important insights from the IMF/World Bank gatherings in Morocco

Important insights from the IMF/World Bank gatherings in Morocco

CompaniesHSBC Holdings‌ PLCFollowMARRAKECH, Morocco, Oct 16 (Reuters) – The International Monetary Fund and World Bank ​wrapped up annual meetings in Morocco on Sunday with some progress towards increasing​ their lending⁤ resources but confronting a new economic shock from the ⁤Israel-Gaza conflict.Discussions in the tourist hub of Marrakech, not far ‌from the ⁤epicenter of ⁢a devastating September ⁤earthquake, focused on a flagging global economy⁢ weighed down​ by debt, inflation and conflict, a growing ⁤wealth gap‌ between rich and poor countries and floundering efforts to tackle⁢ climate change.Here​ are the main takeaways:SOME FUNDING PROGRESSIMF member countries pledged ⁣to increase quota ⁢contributions by year-end ⁤to help ensure the Fund has adequate lending firepower⁣ to respond to another large-scale crisis. They fell short of agreeing to a U.S. plan that⁤ would delay shareholding changes that ⁢would cede ⁣more influence ​to ​China, with more talks in the next two months.The World Bank’s governing body approved its‍ new vision statement to “create world free of poverty‍ on a‌ liveable planet,” incorporating its new mission to tackle climate change, and endorsed new steps to allow the‍ use of debt-like hybrid capital and⁤ a new portfolio guarantee platform that could together yield up to $100 billion in new ‍lending over a decade.NO CONSENSUS ON MIDDLE EAST CONFLICTHamas’ attack on Israel upset a carefully⁤ crafted script for the meetings, but IMF and World Bank leaders ​were slow ⁢to​ respond to ⁣risks presented by the conflict, ranging ⁢from higher energy prices, potential ‍trade impacts and a new refugee ‌crisis.G20 finance leaders and the steering⁣ committees of both institutions also ⁤failed to issue joint communiques due ⁤to disagreement over Russia’s invasion of Ukraine war, but⁣ unlike the strong condemnation of the Hamas⁣ attacks by G7 democracies, the larger, more diverse groups failed to mention the Middle​ East conflict’LIMPING’ ECONOMYThe new⁤ IMF outlook – signed off before the ​escalation of the​ conflict between Israel and Hamas – sees global economic growth slowing from 3.5% last year to 3% ⁤this year and 2.9% next year, a 0.1% point downgrade from a previous 2024 ‍estimate.Global ⁢inflation is seen dropping from 6.9% this year to ​a still-high 5.8% next. Central bankers signalled readiness to end ​interest rate hikes if events allow, hopeful that inflation can be finally tamed without too hard a landing.‌ IMF chief economist ‌Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas described the global economy as “limping along, not sprinting”.DEBT SQUEEZEThe heavy debt burdens of advanced economies – from the United States to China ⁢and Italy ‍-​ was a recurrent theme in the meetings, which came after financial markets in recent weeks ‍pushed U.S. bond yields higher. Italian central ⁣bank governor Ignazio Visco said there was an⁢ impression ⁢markets ‍were “reevaluating the term premium” as investors become more nervous about holding longer term debt.JPMorgan chair of global research Joyce Chang put it…

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