‘I’m tortured’: widow of Post Office victim anguished he died before clearing name

A post office.

The widow of a sub-post office operator accused of misappropriating funds in the Post Office Horizon scandal has spoken of her anguish that he died before his name could be cleared.

Vivienne Hammond, 88, told the Guardian that she was traumatised to discover what her late husband, Dennis, must have suffered in secret during the last 20 years of his life when she watched ITV’s dramatisation of the scandal, in which more than 2,500 post office operators were wrongly accused of theft because of a glitch in a new accounting software system. The series, Mr Bates vs The Post office, has led to new calls for victims to be exonerated.

“Focus has quite rightly been on those who were wrongly convicted or lost their livelihoods, but the hundreds of others who were made to pay back money they never took have also had to live with the pain and humiliation and haven’t had their voices heard,” she said. “My husband never spoke to me of what happened. He was diagnosed with cancer a few years later and I’m tortured by the thought that the stress might have contributed to his illness. I can’t find the words to describe how it feels seeing played out on screen the torment he kept from me and knowing that I wasn’t able to support him through it.”

Dennis and Vivienne Hammond. Photograph: Supplied

Dennis Hammond had been a village sub-post office operator for 20 years when he was blamed for a cash shortfall of about £3,000 soon after the Horizon system was installed. The money was subsequently deducted from his wages. “He told me that the auditor, who was usually very friendly, had paid a visit which wasn’t friendly at all and that some money was missing, then he never spoke of it again,” said Hammond. “All these years I assumed that there must have made some mistake that was then put right. I was a sub-postmistress myself in a neighbouring village at the time and had complete trust in the Post Office. It wasn’t until 2021, when I read of the fate of other postmasters, that I realised that he must have been a victim of Horizon too. By then he was dead and it was too late to help him.”

Hammond contacted the Horizon Shortfall Scheme, launched to compensate affected postal operators in 2021, in an attempt to vindicate her husband, and was told that she was out of time. The scheme had closed to new applicants six months after opening during the first lockdown in 2020. “We were never informed of a compensation scheme for those who paid what was demanded without being convicted,” she said. “As my husband was dying of cancer in 2020, my attention was elsewhere.”

A TV drama is finally triggering action for Post Office victims. Why did it take so long? | Gaby HinsliffRead more

The day after her plight was highlighted in the Guardian, the Post Office announced that it would consider claims lodged after the deadline and Hammond has since received compensation on her husband’s behalf in return for signing a non-disclosure agreement. “It was…

2024-01-09 12:27:38
Link from www.theguardian.com

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