HPE Global Talent Executive Acknowledges AI and Chatbots’ Role in Strengthening Hiring

HPE Global Talent Executive Acknowledges AI and Chatbots’ Role in Strengthening Hiring

Over the⁤ past‌ year, ‍the ⁣Hewlett Packard⁤ Enterprise⁤ (HPE) human​ resources⁢ group has been using ‍artificial intelligence (AI)‌ and a chatbot ⁤to improve ​its ⁣talent acquisition​ and retention.‍ And​ a ⁣company⁤ executive ‍says ​the ​technology⁣ has ​turned things ‌around⁤ dramatically.

Prior⁣ to rolling⁤ the AI-based‌ chatbot technology, half ‍of ‌those who’d land ‌on ⁣HPE’s⁣ career page looking ⁤for jobs would ⁤leave without⁢ ever ⁢applying. After the⁣ rollout in the first ⁣three ⁤months ‍of ‍2023, ‌HPE more than​ doubled the⁢ industry ⁤standard‌ for‌ visitors to its career site,‍ reaching 950,000. The ⁣company is ‌now⁣ able ‍to convert ‌26% of “casual⁤ job ‌seekers”​ into⁢ actual⁢ hires. 

HPE​ is ‌part⁣ of a⁣ wave of organizations ​taking advantage ​of​ AI ⁢tools⁣ for ‌talent acquisition‍ to supply HR ‌shops ⁤with ‌a full pipeline of ‌candidates and​ to⁣ personalize the onboarding ⁣experience‌ for ⁤new⁣ hires. ⁣Among⁤ the‌ leading ‍suppliers of ​SaaS-based ⁤intelligent talent⁣ aquisition platforms are Eightfold, Beamery, ‍and Seekout — all of which⁣ perform skills⁤ inference and ‍candidate-job matching. ⁤Other⁤ notable⁣ vendors ‍include Clovers (with⁢ its recent ‍acquisition ⁢of Talvista), HireVue, Pymetrics (recently‍ acquired by Harver), iCIMS⁣ and ⁢Phenom, according to Forrester ​Research.

HPE⁣ chose ‍to launch‍ Phenom’s​ platform⁤ globally as ⁣its ​intelligent talent acquisition ⁢platform,​ but ⁢faced‍ challenges⁤ ensuring algorithms meant ​to ⁢automate the hiring‍ process ‍were without baked-in ‌biases ‌and spoke to‍ each ⁢potential ⁣hire in a personalized ‍way. That process ⁢of customizing​ the hiring‌ experience continues‌ to ‌occur‌ —‌ and​ continues ⁢to ​pay off.

Lavonne Monroe,⁢ who ​joined ‍HPE’s human resources‍ group at ‌the beginning⁤ of⁣ the COVID-19 pandemic in ‌2020, ​is ⁤vice president of ⁢global talent acquisition and ‍onboarding.‍ Over ⁣the past ⁤year ‌or so, her ‌team has⁤ been‍ leveraging AI⁣ and ⁢chatbots to ‌create ​a ​customized⁢ career⁤ site⁢ that​ offers job ⁤prospects and current employees experiences⁤ tailored to their‌ unique career paths.

As ‍a​ pandemic‌ hire, Monroe didn’t even enter ‍an⁤ HPE‌ office for​ the ⁤first ​year-and-a-half⁣ of her employment, ​so ‌she ⁢understands ⁢and​ embraces the ⁤benefits of remote ‍work, ‍and ⁢the ​fact that⁢ it⁤ can⁤ be‌ a⁢ talent acquisition‌ manager’s ​dream.

Monroe‍ is ⁣currently onboarding⁤ 67 new ‌college⁤ graduates,⁣ 20 ⁣mid-level‍ professionals and ‍one‍ new executive. ⁤Their⁣ views on hybrid and ‍remote work were⁣ startingly different.

The following are excerpts from Computerworld’s ‌interview‍ with ⁢Monroe:

Lavonne⁢ Monroe

HPE’s​ Vice⁢ President ‌of ⁤Global ⁢Talent Acquisition‌ and⁣ Onboarding ⁢Lavonne Monroe

Can you‍ tell me a bit ‍about your ​role ​at ⁤HP, ⁤how⁢ that⁢ has ⁤changed with new⁤ technologies such ⁢as AI, and your ⁣approach to managing ‍the​ workforce? ⁢”I ‍manage ⁢all avenues of⁤ talent‌ attraction, ‌and⁣ that‌ includes external ⁣and⁣ internal, and of⁣ course,​ onboarding‌ to ⁤the​ talent.⁣ So,⁤ what’s their ⁣experience? ‍I ‘own’ up to ‌day five,‍ but⁣ technically their first two‍ weeks‌ post-hire…, ‌then we transition and hand…

2023-07-17 ⁢07:48:02
Article​ from ‌www.computerworld.com rnrn

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