Hottest Month Ever Recorded: July 2023 Sets Unfortunate World Record

Hottest Month Ever Recorded: July 2023 Sets Unfortunate World Record

July ⁢witnessed the ⁤scorching impact⁤ of climate ‌change on most humans. Previous studies had⁤ already highlighted the connection‍ between climate change and recent ⁤heat waves in China, North‌ America, and Europe (SN: 7/19/23;⁣ SN: 7/25/23). However, a new report reveals that climate change’s influence extended ⁢globally in⁣ July, particularly in ‌a tropical band encompassing Africa, South and Central America, the ⁢Malay Archipelago, and various small island​ nations in both hemispheres. Andrew Pershing, a climate scientist from the‌ Princeton, N.J. nonprofit, emphasized this during an August 1 news briefing.
Although the ​World Meteorological Organization has not officially declared July as the hottest month on Earth, it has ‌confirmed that the first three weeks of the month were ⁤the hottest three-week period ever⁣ recorded. On July 6, the highest global average‍ temperature⁤ of 17.23° Celsius (63.01° Fahrenheit) was documented (SN: 7/13/23). Pershing stated, “It’s evident that⁢ July will break the record.”
To determine the influence of climate change on global temperatures, Pershing and his colleagues utilized computer simulations comparing the world with contemporary ⁤climate ‌warming ‌(1.27 degrees C above preindustrial ⁢levels) and without it.

2023-08-02 05:00:00
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