Higher Fatality Rates in Humans: The Reason Bats Carry Viruses More Dangerous than Other Mammals

Higher Fatality Rates in Humans: The Reason Bats Carry Viruses More Dangerous than Other Mammals

A ⁣small team​ of biologists ​and evolutionists⁢ from the University of Chicago, York University, the University⁢ of California, Berkeley, and ​the University of Exeter reports‍ why ​bats carry‍ viruses that ⁣cause ‍higher​ fatality rates when jumping to humans than​ those ⁣that come from any other mammal. In⁢ their study,‍ reported on the open-access site ​PLOS Biology, ‌the‍ group used data from‍ past research efforts to model the ‌growth of viruses‌ within bat populations as ⁤well as their spread ⁣to other animals.

Prior research⁤ has shown‌ that when a virus jumps from‍ bats to humans, the results can be deadlier for humans⁤ than ⁤when viruses jump from other⁤ mammals. The reason has ⁤been ‍a ‌matter of debate. In this new effort,‌ the team used data from prior research​ efforts, ⁤along ‍with mathematics and‌ modeling, to show that it is due to an ⁢innate tolerance for inflammation in bats, which, the ‌researchers suggest, arose with their ability ​to ⁢fly.

To ⁢come to this conclusion, the research team first obtained data from other studies about the⁢ impact of ‌several viruses on the ‍immune systems of bats⁣ that had also jumped to humans. They​ then‌ used that data in a mathematical model to ‍show how a virus optimizes its chances of survival (by‍ spreading from host to host before a host dies) by balancing transmission gains with degree of ⁢virulence.

They found that ​a key feature of bat physiology—its ability to fly—was related to its tolerance for inflammation. This was ⁢pertinent because‌ it made the ⁤bat more tolerant of viruses when infected. That allowed for​ a high growth ⁤rate of viruses in⁤ bats. And​ that, the researchers point out, is why the same‌ virus would⁣ be⁤ more deadly⁤ in⁤ humans—we have a lower tolerance for⁣ inflammation. ‍A⁣ lower tolerance, they note,⁢ leads to more grave symptoms, such as lungs that‌ are no‌ longer able to process ​enough‌ air.

The research‍ team ⁣extended their study to⁤ include 19 other mammals as a way to ​predict viral growth and the likely ‍impact of a jump to humans in a general sense. ​They found reason ​to believe that there is ‍a low‌ probability of a lethal virus that spreads easily from ​bats or other mammals⁢ to humans.

2023-09-09 11:24:03
Link⁣ from phys.org

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