Here’s How Extreme Heat Takes a Toll on the Body

Here’s How Extreme Heat Takes a Toll on the Body

July⁤ 2023 was the hottest month‍ ever recorded. It could ​even be ⁢the hottest month in‍ human history.
That heat has tested the limits of our very bodies to tragic⁢ effect: In 2003, ​an estimated 70,000 people died from a European heat wave. ⁤In 2022, another heat wave​ there ⁣caused some 62,000⁢ deaths. Thousands more have died⁤ in other extreme heat events, and even more‍ have suffered heat illness or​ injury.
The human‍ body can adapt ‌to heat,‍ but only to a certain point, research has shown (SN: 7/27/22).
“The body works quite​ hard to keep the core‍ body temperature within a pretty narrow range,” says Kristie Ebi, who ​researches⁤ climate change and health at⁤ the University of Washington in Seattle. “If you can’t ⁢cool down that core body temperature, then your cells and your ‌organs start being affected.”

2023-08-06 06:00:00
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