Helldivers 2 has undeniably sparked a renewed interest in the cult classic “Starship Troopers.” The 1997 film, directed by Paul Verhoeven, has experienced a significant surge in viewership in recent days, likely due to the game’s success from Arrowhead Game Studio.
The game has surpassed even GTA 5 in the number of simultaneous players on Steam, with over 400,000 players, marking an exhilarating achievement.
Both the game and “Starship Troopers” share similar themes, with their focus on teams of soldiers battling hordes of giant insects on a distant planet.
This success in the space shooter genre could potentially impact Sony’s future strategy. Hiroki Totoki, the current president of SIE, advocates for a multi-platform approach to maximize profit from PlayStation’s internal studios.
Source from www.playground.ru