Has America Inc. Conquered the Battle for Talent?

Has America Inc’s battle for talent come to an end?

Just a⁢ couple of years ago, American companies ⁢were struggling to fill positions across all levels, from entry-level roles to executive ⁤positions. The aftermath of the pandemic made it challenging to entice back laid-off workers, especially​ those who had chosen early‍ retirement. Many individuals,​ inspired by ‌their time in lockdown, decided to pursue new opportunities‍ and left their jobs in⁤ droves once things returned to normal. The‌ percentage of American workers resigning from their jobs each month​ skyrocketed from 2.3% pre-pandemic to a historic⁣ 3% at the beginning⁣ of 2022. By⁢ March of that year, there ⁤were twice as many job openings as there were unemployed workers in America.

2024-05-08 13:48:54
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