Hamas Responds Favorably to Hostage Release and Cease-Fire Proposal in Gaza, Signaling Progress towards Peace

Hamas Responds Favorably to Hostage Release and Cease-Fire Proposal in Gaza, Signaling Progress towards Peace

“There’s a lot of work to be done, but we‌ continue to believe that an agreement is possible and indeed essential, and we ‌will⁢ continue to work relentlessly ⁤to achieve it,” Mr. Blinken said.

The Hamas‍ response took ⁣Mr.⁢ Blinken and the White ​House by surprise, catching‌ them off guard when asked about it publicly. Qatari officials received‍ the Hamas proposal just an hour before Mr. Blinken’s‌ first ‍meeting in Doha, ⁢and about three hours before his⁢ joint news conference, according to‍ a senior ⁢U.S. official ⁤who ‌spoke on condition of anonymity. Mr. Blinken’s team quickly ‌reviewed it and⁤ then briefed White House officials.

Mr. Biden ⁢told reporters ‌in Washington that there had been “some movement” in the talks and that Hamas’s proposal “seems ⁢to be ​a ​little over the ⁣top.”

“There’s continuing negotiation right now,”⁢ he ⁢said.

In a‍ statement, Hamas said it‍ had dealt with the framework proposed by‌ intermediaries ⁣“positively.” It did‍ not elaborate, but ⁣reaffirmed ​its prior demands, ⁢including a permanent cease-fire, the reconstruction of Gaza,​ the end of Israel’s blockade of the‍ territory and the release of ‌Palestinian prisoners in Israel.

An Israeli official ‌who⁤ was briefed on the matter⁢ suggested⁢ that⁢ Israel⁤ was dissatisfied with Hamas’s answer. The official, who was not authorized to address the issue publicly and so spoke on the condition of anonymity, said that Hamas wanted a deal only if it ensured‌ its continued control of Gaza and ‍ended the war‌ — both conditions rejected by‍ Israel.

Israel’s spy agency, the Mossad, said in a statement that it had received the Hamas‌ reply from Qatar, “and​ its details are being examined in depth by all officials engaged in the ‌negotiations.”

Egypt and⁤ Qatar have⁢ been key intermediaries, negotiating with⁢ the​ leaders of Hamas on a proposal backed by the ‍United States​ that could temporarily stop the war that has devastated Gaza, free the remaining hostages there in⁢ exchange for Palestinians held in Israeli jails and allow⁤ more food, water, medicine ‌and other basic⁤ supplies into the territory.

2024-02-06 19:17:38
Source ​from ⁣ www.nytimes.com

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