Greenland’s Glacier Retreat Rate Doubles in Last Two Decades, Study Reveals

Greenland’s Glacier Retreat Rate Doubles in Last Two Decades, Study Reveals

Greenland’s thousands of peripheral glaciers have entered a new and widespread state of rapid retreat, a Northwestern University and University of Copenhagen ⁤study‍ has found.

To piece together ⁢the magnitude of glacier retreat, the research team combined satellite images with historical aerial photographs of Greenland’s coastline, which is dotted with‍ thousands of glaciers ⁤that ‌are separate from the island’s massive central ice sheet. With these one-of-a-kind data,⁢ the researchers documented changes in the lengths of more than 1,000 of the ⁤country’s glaciers ‍over the past⁣ 130 years.

Although glaciers in ⁤Greenland have experienced retreat throughout the last century, the rate of their retreat⁤ has rapidly accelerated over the last two decades. According to the multiyear⁤ collaborative effort between the United States ⁣and Denmark, the rate of glacial retreat during the 21st century is twice ⁤as fast as retreat during the 20th century. And, despite the range of climates and topographical characteristics across Greenland, the findings are ubiquitous, even ‍among Earth’s northernmost glaciers.

The findings underscore the region’s sensitivity to rising temperatures due to⁣ human-caused climate change. The study is published in the journal‌ Nature Climate Change.

“Our study places the recent retreat of peripheral glaciers across Greenland’s diverse climate zones into a century-long perspective and suggests that their rate of retreat in the 21st century ‍is largely unprecedented on a century‍ timescale,” said Laura Larocca, the​ study’s first author. “The only major possible exception are ⁣glaciers in northeast Greenland, where it looks like recent increases in⁣ snowfall might be slowing retreat.”

2023-11-09 11:41:02
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