Great Whites and Filter-Feeding Basking Sharks Found to Share Warm-Bodied Trait, Scientists Reveal

Great Whites and Filter-Feeding Basking Sharks Found to Share Warm-Bodied Trait, Scientists Reveal

Approximately 99.9% ⁣of ⁤fish and shark⁢ species​ are “cold-blooded,” meaning ‍their body ‍tissues generally​ match‍ the temperature ‌of the water⁤ they swim in—but ‌researchers‍ have ⁤just‌ discovered the mighty‍ basking shark ⁢is ⁢a one-in-a-thousand exception.​ Instead, these sharks⁣ keep the ⁢core regions of⁣ their bodies⁢ warmer than the water ​like ‍the​ most ‌athletic‌ swimmers⁤ in​ the⁢ sea ​such as great white sharks,​ mako ‌sharks and‍ tuna.

The latter ‌examples are ‌so-called “regional endotherms” and ⁢are all fast ​swimming,⁣ apex predators at ⁢the ⁣top of the food chain. ⁤Scientists ‌have ‍long‌ reasoned‌ that their⁤ ability ​to keep warm⁤ helped with‍ this⁢ athletic ⁤predatory ​lifestyle, ⁢and that‍ evolution had shaped ​their ​physiology‌ to⁤ match their requirements.

However,⁢ an⁣ international team⁢ of researchers⁤ led by⁣ those ‍from Trinity⁣ College ‌Dublin, has now⁤ shown ⁤that⁣ gentle, ⁣plankton-feeding ⁢basking​ sharks‌ are also ⁢regional ⁣endotherms‍ despite‌ having ⁣very different ⁤lifestyles to white ‍sharks ⁣and tunas.

This⁣ surprising discovery has‍ implications ⁣for ‍conservation, as well ⁣as raising ‍a‍ plethora of ecological and ⁢evolutionary questions.

Haley ‌Dolton, Ph.D. Candidate in Trinity’s School of​ Natural Sciences, was‌ lead author‍ of the‌ study‌ that has just ⁤been published in⁤ Endangered ⁣Species Research.

2023-07-20 22:48:02
Source ​from⁣

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