Google to pay $5 billion settlement in lawsuit over tracking Incognito Chrome users

Google to pay  billion settlement in lawsuit over tracking Incognito Chrome users

Google’s Chrome has long‌ featured the ability to launch ⁤the browser‌ in Incognito​ mode, offering a seemingly ⁢blank slate for your internet browsing, away from your usual cookies, forms and web history. But⁣ that seemingly didn’t mean ‍Google wasn’t keeping an eye on where you were browsing.

The ‌company​ faced ⁢a lawsuit in​ 2020‍ that​ accused it of tracking Chrome users’ activities even when they were using Incognito⁤ mode. Google ‍has now agreed‌ to settle the ⁢complaint that originally sought $5 ⁣billion in damages, ‍after failing to get the suit dismissed.

The plaintiffs said Google used ⁢tools like its Analytics⁢ product, apps⁣ and⁢ browser plug-ins to monitor users. By tracking ‍someone on Incognito, the company was falsely making people believe ‌that ⁤they could control the information that they were willing to share with it.

The lawsuit’s plaintiffs ‌revealed internal emails ⁢that allegedly showed conversations between Google execs proving that the company⁢ monitored Incognito browser usage…

2023-12-29 ⁤07:16:51
Original from ⁤ rnrn

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