Game On: Climate Change Emerges as the Sports World’s Toughest Foe

Exploring the Impact of Climate Change on Sports
Madeleine Orr’s book⁤ “Warming Up” delves into the intersection of sports and ​climate⁤ change. Drawing on her expertise as a sport ecologist ⁣at the University of Toronto, Orr presents a compelling narrative of how global warming is reshaping the world of sports.​ From wildfires threatening‌ football programs to rising sea levels⁣ affecting coastal golf courses, Orr weaves ​together data, expert interviews, and poignant personal stories to‌ highlight the urgent‌ need for ‌action. One ⁤such story is that​ of Jordan McNair, a college football ⁢player who tragically succumbed to heat stroke during practice.

While Orr acknowledges that the order ​of chapters may seem arbitrary, ⁣the book’s‌ structure effectively showcases the various ways ⁣in which climate change is impacting sports. The first 11 chapters focus on current and future consequences of warming temperatures, rising seas, and wildfires. Orr also sheds light on the disproportionate⁣ impact​ of climate change on ⁤nations ⁢least responsible for greenhouse gas emissions, emphasizing the global nature of this crisis. From Kenyan runners facing extreme heat to rugby beaches in‌ Fiji being eroded by rising ‌seas, the book paints a ‍vivid picture of the challenges faced by athletes worldwide.

One particularly poignant example ⁢is the threat to outdoor pond hockey in Canada, ⁤a cultural tradition at risk due to warmer winters and diminishing ice. Orr’s ‍passion for winter sports‌ shines through ⁤as she laments the loss of these⁢ cherished activities and the local economies ⁣they support.‍ By highlighting these stories, ‌Orr effectively underscores⁣ the⁤ urgency of addressing climate change in the‍ world of sports.

2024-06-26 10:01:09
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